I have nerve damage from an accident and can only maintain a partial erection during intercourse. I’ve heard of a penis extender called PPAs (prosthetic penis attachment) that are supposed to provide a firm erection. Is this true? Would you have any suggestions and where to purchase?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    PPA stands for prosthetic penis attachment, though they’re usually called extenders. Imagine a condom with a 2 to 3-inch dildo on the end. PPA’s elongate the erect penis, allowing deeper insertion, or they can substitute for an erection, as in your case. In order to stay on and to support the extension, the condom-like sleeve that fits over the penis is thicker than an ordinary condom and may include a strap that encircles the scrotum. PPA’s are easily washable and reusable. While it can be great fun to play with having a longer penis, be careful when using one for vaginal insertion. The extension may bang into the cervix, which some women find uncomfortable. We suggest the woman-on-top position with your penis still. Let her sit down on it and discover what’s most comfortable for her. As for purchasing, our sex toy affiliate, Adam & Eve, carries them.

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