92 results found.
Blog Post
Desire In Women - Does It Lead to Sex? Or Result from It?

Ever since Pfizer’s erection-boosting drug, Viagra, was approved 1998, the drug companies have been working overtime to develop treatments for women’s sexual issues, notably, low libido. In a few studies, some women reported restored libido…

Blog Post
Desire difference exasperate a couple in bed

“You’re insatiable!” “You never want to!” Desire difference exasperate couples. Over the years, I’ve asked sex therapists why couples consult them. Desire differences top the list. For the dozen years I’ve published my Q&A website,…

Blog Post
Desire In Women - Does It Lead to Sex? Or Result from It?

Ever since Pfizer’s erection-boosting drug, Viagra, was approved 1998, the drug companies have been working overtime to develop treatments for women’s sexual issues, notably, low libido. In a few studies, some women reported restored libido…

Blog Post
black couple in bed

[read part 1 here] Sex therapists recommend scheduling sex in advance Recently, researchers at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, found that desire differences are long-term couples’ top source of chronic sexual distress. Part 1 of…

Blog Post
asian senior couple

If you’re a woman troubled by little or no erotic desire, a recent study shows that a self-help book by a woman sex therapist provides a significant libido boost. The book is A Tired Woman’s…

Blog Post
A middle age couple having a fight.

A new approach involves brief group therapy that nurtures sex worth wanting Part 1 summarized the many myths about desire differences and the sex-therapy approach to resolving them—using either self-help or professional therapy. The sex-therapy…

Blog Post
couple hot and heavy in bed

Many young men burn with lust. But after 30, male libido becomes more like women’s. Three maxims attest to the pervasive belief that men are constantly horny, always eager to bed almost any woman: •…

senior couple in bed

I have an unusual question. My wife and I have been married for over 30 years. Our sex life has been quite vanilla since we married. I have tried to ask about new things only…