Desire Differences: Long-Term Couples’ #1 Sex Issue (1 of 2)

Desire difference exasperate a couple in bed

“You’re insatiable!” “You never want to!” Desire difference exasperate couples. Over the years, I’ve asked sex therapists why couples consult them. Desire differences top the list. For the dozen years I’ve published my Q&A website, GreatSexGuidance, frustrations about desire differences have been a leading reason people email me.

Now a Canadian study corroborates these observations. The University of Waterloo, Ontario, researchers found that desire differences are long-term couples’ number one source of chronic sexual distress. They interviewed 117 long-married heterosexual couples privately asking each spouse which sexual conflicts were the most frequent and maddening. On both counts, desire differences topped the list.

Average Frequency: How Often Do Americans Do It?

There’s only one universally valid sexual generalization. Everyone is sexually unique. Put two unique individuals together, and the couple is sexually like no other. As a result, it’s impossible to generalize about “average” or “typical” sexual frequency. There’s no “right” frequency couples “should” enjoy. But researchers keep peeking between the sheets. Everyone wants to know how often everyone else does it, largely so they can determine where they reside on the spectrum.

I reviewed the half-dozen most widely cited studies. In every age group, for relationships of every duration, frequency varies substantially. But most typically, couples under around 45 usually do it about once a week, older couples usually two to three times a month.

Based on interviews with a representative sample of 6,785 married Americans, Brigham Young, researchers identified the elements that contribute to frequency:

The High Cost of Desire Differences

When desire differences fester, goodwill erodes, and a grim chill descends over the relationship. Sexual satisfaction declines, and irritability, bickering, and recriminations increase. Higher-libido spouses feel rejected and unloved. Lower-desire partners feel besieged. Chronic desire differences can make both feel miserable.

One major casualty is nonsexual affection: playful hugs, friendly kisses, and cuddling while watching TV. Higher-desire partners initiate affection hoping to get lucky. Lower-libido spouse shrinks from nonsexual affection for fear of it being misinterpreted.

Eventually, what began as one problem becomes two: the desire difference and the chronic resentments it engenders.

Who Wants Sex More? Men? Or Women?

Duh! Men. Men are supposedly insatiable, women equivocal.

Actually, when couples consult sex therapists for desire differences, the women want more sex in one-third to half of the cases.

When men want more, couples experience distress, but their problem feels culturally expected, therefore, “normal.” But when the woman has more libido, the stress of the desire difference gets compounded by the probability that both spouses view their situation as “abnormal.”

Three Choices

Desire differences create three choices:

If you want to stay together reasonably happily and monogamously, you have only one choice—negotiating a frequency you both can live with.

Resolving desire differences requires the same skills involved in negotiating all conflicts:

What Can You Both Live With?

Compromising on frequency doesn’t produce happiness. It reduces mutual unhappiness to an acceptable level. Neither of you gets what you really want. You get a frequency you both can live with. Your flexibility shows you value your relationship over “winning.”

If one wants sex twice a week while the other would feel fine with once a month, reasonable compromises might be once a week, or once every ten days, or twice a month, possibly with mutually agreed “bonus” sex on special occasions—birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, Valentine’s Day.

No negotiated frequency is set in stone. After a few months, you’re free to re-negotiate.

Compromise should include flexibility. Weekly lovemaking doesn’t mean sex absolutely once every seven days. People get sick. Obligations arise. Adjustments become necessary. Try to be gracious.

The sooner you negotiate a compromise frequency, the better off you’re likely to be. Then pull out your calendars and schedule sex dates in advance. That’s the focus of Part 2. Read it here.

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