Does Masturbation Cause Premature Ejaculation?

Young naked man watching porn in his kitchen

No, masturbation, per se, does not cause premature ejaculation (PE). However, some men masturbate to orgasm very quickly. Over time, this may train them into PE. But masturbation can also be used to cure PE. Masturbation is fundamental to the highly effective sex therapy program that trains men to last as long as they’d like.

Though there are many claims on the internet for a cure, the best, proven cure is from sex therapists. The approach begins with masturbation using a dry hand. Men self-sex until they approach their point of no return when ejaculation feels inevitable. Then they stop stroking and breathe deeply, which empowers them to back away from ejaculation without coming. When they no longer feel they’re about to ejaculate, they resume masturbation. Men repeat this stop-start exercise until they can last as long as they’d like with a dry hand.

Learn more by reading The Cure for Premature Ejaculation.

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