195 results found.
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Woman teasing man

Young adults have casual sex— but compared with their parents and grandparents, LESS. Since around 2000, young adult college students have stopped dating. Instead, they connect through app-enabled “hook-ups,” some of which become sexual. Researchers…

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Want a Happier Relationship? Cuddle More After Sex

As post-sex cuddling increases so does sexual and relationship satisfaction. Ah, afterglow, the relaxed, dreamy post-coital period when many lovers feel close. But a better term might be after-cuddling. Recent research shows that cuddling is a…

Unhappy senior man close up

Suppose I maintained good diet, eating fruits said to maintain libido, drinking no alcohol. Can I have my stable sexual power past age 70 years?

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Seniors in bed

Doctors should advise: “Go home and make love frequently.” For the 20 million American adults with osteoarthritis, this prescription is endorsed by the Arthritis Foundation and makes perfect sense. First, “arthritis” is not a disease….

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Two beautiful women and man lying on the bed

Erotic fantasies often provoke feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. That’s hardly surprising. Many people grow up harangued by religious leaders and self-styled guardians of morality that among the many sexual possibilities, only a small…

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asian senior couple

If you’re a woman troubled by little or no erotic desire, a recent study shows that a self-help book by a woman sex therapist provides a significant libido boost. The book is A Tired Woman’s…

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Sexy couple handcuffed sex Toys

The secret of keeping old married sex hot is courtship for life The New York Times asked 2,903 subscribers: If your entire sexual history were made public, would people find it shocking or boring? Two-thirds…

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Want better sex? Eat a plant-based diet, especially fruits and vegetables. Diet plays an under-appreciated role in sexual function. Consider: Italian researchers surveyed 215 adults’ sex lives, then told half to eat as usual. The…


We are both widowed. We knew each other’s spouses. We both had been married 48+ yrs. We’ve been together for approx. 2 yrs., and sexually active for the past 10 mos. We are having amazing…