How to approach her vaginal dryness

I am in a new relationship with a woman who will be 65 soon. I am 63. She has confided in me about vaginal dryness and the pain it has caused her. When she talks about it, I can see the pain experience is genuine. I get the feeling that she feels dread whenever our play together gets sexual. The thought of causing her pain in that way saddens me and the thought that I might never have a complete relationship with her because of her fear of pain breaks my heart. I have read quite a bit about the subject and the many ways to improve it, some of which she already does, like lubricants during the week. I still see dread in her eyes and sense she would rather accept a sexless relationship than work with her significant other to improve her condition so that we can experience that special sexual closeness. I’ve told her that I would not hurt her, meaning no intercourse until she felt safe to do so. How do you open the dialogue to discuss outer course options while not creating feelings of inadequacy or disappointment? I love this woman and want us to experience all that intimate relationships have to offer before we get old.

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