I noticed a change in the color of my semen a few months ago. First yellowish, now brownish (almost like dried up blood). I increased my water intake and the color began to lighten b4 eventually going back. Recently I began playing basketball and I have been getting hit in my genitals frequently. This is when my semen became watery and brownish. I’m on edge. I am sexually active. Please help!



  • Michael Castleman says:

    Time to see your doctor or maybe a urologist for a semen analysis.

    Brownish or yellowish semen usually indicates a little blood in there. Getting hit in the genitals might break a few capillaries and introduce some blood into your semen. At first it might look reddish or brown, then yellowish, and finally back to milky white.

    As for your viscosity going watery, this may be the result of frequent ejaculations. If you ejaculate frequently, like daily, the prostate gland, which produces most of the fluid in semen may not have enough time to secrete everything into it, giving it a more watery texture. Frequent ejaculations also mean fewer sperm in there, which may also produce more watery texture.

    But in my opinion, the combination of watery semen and a color change suggests that it’s time to see your doctor for a semen analysis.

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