Can my wife take bupropion, too?

unhappy middle aged couple

I took SSRI antidepressants for 20 years and suffered severe sex problems as a result. I complained to my doctor and to a psychiatrist, asking if I could switch to bupropion (Wellbutrin), which I’d heard causes fewer sexual side effects. They both told me the same thing—it’s not worth it because it would take so long for the bupropion to kick in that I might have another major depressive episode. Finally, I became more assertive with my primary doc and he relented and prescribed bupropion. I experienced a wonderful 180-degree sexual turn-around! Now I’m 70 and feel so bad about my 20 years of lost sex life. My question: My wife is not depressed. Can she take bupropion to see if it would give her libido a boost?

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