unhappy guy

I’m 23 years old and suffer from PE and wet dreams. What can I do??


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Wet dreams are totally normal in a young man of your age. They are proof of your masculine vigor. Wet dreams are common during men’s twenties. They become less so as men age. By 35 or so, you probably won’t have them any more.

    As for premature ejaculation, that’s also very common in young men, in fact, among men of all ages. Fortunately, it’s usually pretty easy to cure. Over the past 60 years, sex therapists have developed a program that teaches around 90% of men to last as long as they wish. I’ve distilled this program into a low-cost, self-help e-booklet, The Cure for Premature Ejaculation. I suggest you purchase a copy. I offer a money-back guarantee, so no risk to you.

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