Women tease to control men

Close-up of senior couple focusing on worried woman

Close-up of senior couple focusing on worried woman

My age is 80, married for 58 years BUT–over the years I know how women work. Especially when it comes to enticing interest in Men. Women tease. Always. They think men only want sex–but in the same vein–women want to control. I tell ya it’s true. They want total power.And sometimes women lose. In a possible romance they want to drain a man to submit to them(women). It’s all bullshit.  My wife now has Alzhemiers and is in a home. Women tease to see what they can get away with. SO I JUST DON’T TRUST WOMEN. It’s been like this forever. They want power. It’s a shame women’s bodies are beautiful–but their minds always want to be in control. You can write what you want—but this is it –it seems to be a big game –and who wants a person who is always wanting her control by TEASING. Forget it. And I think you know what I am talking about –for God sake go to the point –you can’t paint a picture that you cannot ever cover up the REAL painting.

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