Rape Prevention: The Under-Appreciated Alcohol Connection

man grabbing woman from behind

To prevent sexual assault, forget affirmative consent. Focus on binge drinking. Since the turn of the current century, the media have spotlighted epidemic levels of college and military sexual assaults, everything from uninvited groping to gang rapes. To prevent them, many rape-prevention activists have advocated “affirmative consent,” the idea that sexual initiators must obtain specific permission for every erotic escalation. Many college campuses have incorporated affirmative consent into student handbooks and have applied it in disciplinary actions. “Did she give you clear permission to remove her panties?”

Affirmative Action: Great for Consensual Sex But Not for Rape Prevention

I’m all for affirmative consent. It’s a great boon to consensual lovemaking. Affirmative consent:

However, when it comes to preventing sexual assault, affirmative consent is of little, if any value. Affirmative consent implies mutual rationality. But most sexual assaults occur when both parties are drunk and considerably less than rational. Once the smashed spider captures the blotto fly, it’s too late for “Is this okay?”

Sexual Assault Almost Always Includes Binging on Alcohol

A substantial research literature documents the consistent, undeniable connection between alcohol intoxication and sexual assault. Some recent findings:

Want To Have Sex in an Altered State? Consider Cannabis

Successful rape-prevention programs don’t rely on affirmative consent. Instead, inspired by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, they encourage one friend to remain sober at parties, circulate, and intervene assertively if that person sees friends getting into trouble. Several studies have shown that this strategy has quickly reduced college and military sexual assaults by more than half. For more on this, see the chapter on sexual assault prevention in my book Sizzling Sex for Life.

However, many if not most young people (and older lovers as well) enjoy having sex intoxicated. Canadian researchers at St. Mary’s University in Halifax asked hundreds of college students about their sobriety or inebriation during their most recent sexual encounter (consensual or not). Only one-quarter (27 percent) said they’d been totally sober. Almost half (44 percent) said they’d been very intoxicated to passing-out drunk.

How can young people have sex high but not risk rape? Here’s a modest proposal. Instead of drinking, consider cannabis. It’s easily available to most young adults and increasingly legal. More than two-thirds of the U.S. population lives in the 35 states with legal medical marijuana, and recreational cannabis is now totally legal for adults in a dozen states and the District of Columbia. While some don’t care to mix weed and sex, several studies show that most users call cannabis sex-enhancing. And no study I’m aware of has linked marijuana use to increased risk of sexual assault.

I’m not advocating sex while intoxicated. I’m just recognizing that many people prefer to have sex that way. If you’re among them, cannabis offers a high much less likely to trigger sexual assault.

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