Record Numbers of Young—and Old—Adults Report No Partner Sex

College couple

Since the 1980s, the proportion of celibate young adults has almost tripled.

In 2012 when the Tinder app debuted, it made young adult hook-ups so easy that journalists from the New York Times to Vanity Fair breathlessly wondered if any18-to-30-year-olds didn’t get laid several times a week. But despite Tinder and other hook-up apps, compared with their parents’ and grandparents’ generations, today’s young adults have less partner sex and they’re considerably more likely to have none at all.

This unexpected finding comes from 30-year tracking of the General Social Survey (GSS), since 1972 an ongoing project of the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. The GSS ranks among the nation’s oldest, largest, most ambitious, and most respected social science studies. Conducted during even-numbered years, it probes the lives, attitudes, values, and behavior of representative samples of Americans in all demographics. Sociologists generally consider it the gold standard of survey research.

In its most recent iteration, the GSS reports that 28 percent of young adult men and 20 percent of young adult women had no sex during the year leading up to being surveyed. Why?

America Before The Sexual Revolution

Until the 1960s, the large majority of Americans subscribed to the belief that sex belonged only in marriage for purposes of procreation or cementing the bonds of holy wedlock. Recreational sex, doing it just for fun, was frowned on by social liberals and demonized by social conservatives.

Of course, with the benefits of hindsight, we know that Americans were never as sexually restrained as 1950s mythology made them appear. Alfred Kinsey’s surveys in the late 1940s and early 1950s showed that:

In addition, modern swinging developed during World War II in the Army Air Force and by the 1950s had spread throughout the armed forces and to many communities surrounding military bases.

But these developments were not well known. The media generally portrayed America as a land of Leave It To Beaver families—dad, mom, and the kids. When the Dick Van Dyke television show premiered in 1961, Van Dyke and his TV wife, Mary Tyler Moore, slept in twin beds. That era’s sensibilities were so chaste that on TV not even married couples could share a bed.

Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?

By the time the Beatles’ White Album featured the track, “Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?” the so-called Sexual Revolution was in full swing. It was not so much a revolution in Americans’ behavior as it was a change in the visibility of sex and expressed attitudes about it. Several cultural elements contributed to it:

Young Adults Are Having Less Partner Sex

The GSS asks how many sexual partners survey participants 18 and older have had during the previous year. Here are the proportion of young adults saying none:

There’s no evidence that the current generation is any less horny than their predecessors, so how could this be? Researchers aren’t entirely sure, but they’ve advanced several explanations:

All Americans Are Having Less Partner Sex

While celibacy has increased most among young adults, the GSS also shows less sex for American adults of all ages. In 1989, almost half of Americans reported partner sex weekly. Today, it’s 39 percent. Again, it’s not entirely clear why, but possible explanations include:

Of course, plenty of Americans continue to enjoy partner sex frequently. But the trend is clear. As a nation, we’re having less sex.

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