Sex Helps Treat The Stiffness And Pain Of Osteoarthritis

Seniors in bed

Doctors should advise: “Go home and make love frequently.” For the 20 million American adults with osteoarthritis, this prescription is endorsed by the Arthritis Foundation and makes perfect sense.

First, “arthritis” is not a disease. It’s a symptom. It simply means joint inflammation and the soreness, stiffness, and pain that typically accompany it. Dozens of illnesses cause arthritis.

Quite often the doctor explains that what you have is the most common form of joint inflammation, osteoarthritis (OA), which is what people mean when they say “arthritis.” According to the American College of Rheumatology, osteoarthritis afflicts more Americans than all other forms of arthritis combined.

Osteoarthritis typically results from decades of wear and tear on the joints, especially a history of athletic joint injuries. Joints are lined with cartilage, the tough, flexible, shock-absorbing material that keeps the bones from grinding into one another. In osteoarthritis, this cartilage breaks down, causing pain, tenderness, swelling, range of motion limitations, morning stiffness, stiffness after rest, and pain aggravated by strenuous use of affected joints. Most people experience their worst achy stiffness first thing in the morning, with discomfort diminishing as the day progresses.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis include:

Sex to the Rescue

To manage OA, doctors used to advise minimizing activity. Today we know that reduced activity actually leads to more pain, not to mention the loss of muscle strength, which makes it harder to be active. Inactivity also contributes to weight gain, which aggravates OA.

Nowadays, doctors and the Arthritis Foundations urge those with osteoarthritis to be as physically active as the condition allows, particularly with low-impact exercise that gently moves joints through their full range of motion. Gentle, full-range-of-motion exercise:

Many studies show that regular exercise reduces the pain, stiffness, and disability of osteoarthritis. Cornell researchers recruited 102 people with OA of the knee and encouraged some to take regular walks, and the rest to take anti-inflammatory pain relievers. After eight weeks, the drug group reported no changes in their condition, but those who took up walking reported 27 percent less pain and a significant decrease in use of pain medication.

However, you might wonder: Won’t exercise wear out my joints? That’s possible, but only if you overdo it with high-impact activities, for example, running or contact sports.

The best exercise for you depends on which joints are affected and how severely. But in general, good forms of exercise for OA include: walking, gardening, swimming, cycling, in-pool calisthenics—and sex.

“Sex is a terrific exercise for people with osteoarthritis,” says Palo Alto sex therapist Marty Klein, Ph.D. “It provides gentle, low-impact, massage-like exercise. It moves the major joints through their full range of motion. It releases pain-relieving endorphins. And the closeness of lovemaking, the feeling of being loved, also helps relieve pain.”

Here’s how to incorporate sex into OA self-care:

Finally, if you experience more than two weeks of persistent joint pain and/or inflammation that doesn’t respond to heat, gentle exercise, and over-the-counter drugs, see a doctor.

You may also be interested in reading – Sexual Healing: Sex Is Good for Health

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