Sterilization: Why Do More Women Than Men Opt for It?

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Vasectomy is quicker, cheaper, and easier, but women get sterilized more often. Voluntary sterilization—not the Pill or condoms—is the most popular birth control method in the U.S. Among couples using contraception, around 25 percent use the number two method, birth control pills, and 15 percent opt for the number three method, condoms. But sterilization is the top choice—29 percent.

Compared with women’s sterilization, vasectomy is quicker, cheaper, easier, and less traumatic. But each year, more women opt to be sterilized—700,000 women, 500,000 men.

Why the Gender Gap?

Whatever the reason, sterilization decisions are life-changing and should never be made impulsively, for example, after an unplanned pregnancy, abortion, or difficult delivery. Those who express the greatest long-term satisfaction generally consider their decisions for at least a year and deeply ponder questions most people would rather not consider: What if your relationship ended? Would you want children in your next one? What if your children died? Would you want more?

If you think you can reverse sterilization, think again. Reversals are a roll of the dice. They cannot be guaranteed. They’re also costly—around $10,000, sometimes more—and health insurers rarely cover them.


Vasectomy involves a minor, 20-minute surgical procedure under local anesthesia. Urologists make two tiny incisions in the upper scrotum. They find the tubes that carry sperm out of the testicles (vas deferens), cut them, and seal their ends. After vasectomy, sperm cannot leave the testicles and semen eventually becomes sterile.

But men are not sterile immediately after vasectomy. Millions of sperm remain in the tubes above the incision sites. It takes about twenty-five ejaculations to expel them from the body. During that time, couples must use another method. A couple of months after vasectomy, men return to their urologists for follow-up semen analysis. They masturbate and doctors examine their semen microscopically. When samples are sperm-free, couples no longer need to use contraception.

After vasectomy, men ejaculate normally. Sperm account for only about 2 percent of semen volume, so there’s no noticeable difference.

Urologists perform most vasectomies on Fridays. Over the weekend, men should take it easy—no heavy lifting. Most feel fine by Monday.

Every year, the most popular time for vasectomies is March during “March Madness,” the NCAA basketball tournament. Men taking it easy after vasectomy binge-watch games—and the women in their lives don’t complain.

After vasectomy, the testicles continue making sperm, but the body reabsorbs them.

After vasectomy, studies show that many couples report an increase in sexual frequency and satisfaction. This usually lasts up to one year, after which they usually return to pre-vasectomy baseline.

Vasectomy failures are rare—around 1 per 1,000. Slim odds, but failures are possible, which is why couples should use another method until the man tests sperm-free.

Vasectomy does not increase risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, stroke, or any other serious conditions.



Sterilization For Women: Tubal Ligation

For women, sterilization involves cutting the tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus (fallopian tubes). Tubal ligation requires an abdominal incision under anesthesia in a hospital. Scarring at the incision site is possible, but incisions are small, and most surgeons locate them so that even bikini bottoms cover them. Recovery typically takes several days.

Ttubal ligation is more traumatic and costly than vasectomy.

After women become sterile, some studies show an increase in sexual frequency and satisfaction lasting up to one year.

Tubal ligation can be reversed, but it’s costly. Insurers don’t cover it. And there’s no guarantee of success.

Women certain they want to be sterilized should ask their physicians for a surgical referral.



If you have questions about sterilization or are considering it, consult a family planning provider or Planned Parenthood.

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