The Pros and Cons of Mixing Sex and Alcohol

Couple drinking on the bed in bedroom

Couple drinking on the bed in bedroom

Combining sex and alcohol produces some benefits—and many possible risks. The most succinct summary of alcohol’s impact on sex was penned 400 years ago by William Shakespeare in Macbeth: “It provokes the desire, but takes away the performance.” That’s close to the truth, but a recent review of the huge literature on alcohol and sex by a University of Washington psychologist shows that the subject is more nuanced than the man from Stratford-on-Avon imagined. The Washington researcher analyzed 128 mostly experimental studies. Here’s what he found.

Note: One “drink” contains roughly 14 grams of pure alcohol, the amount found in: 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine (a standard wine glass about half full), or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits (one shot).

Impact on Men

In addition, the combination of alcohol and sex creates a self-fulfilling prophesy. Men who expect to drink become hornier than men who don’t, whether or not they actually imbibe anything. Alcohol is part of partying, and people who party often become sexually aroused. Men associate drinking with getting turned on, so many become aroused in social situations that involve alcohol, even if they don’t drink.

In addition, the erection-impairing impact of several drinks compromises erection function for up to several hours after drinking has ceased and the man no longer feels tipsy or tests as intoxicated. Apparently, the penis gets hung over before the rest of the body.

Impact on Women

Like men, women also experience the self-fulfilling prophecy of alcohol-expectancy. They anticipate feeling aroused by situations that include alcohol, and tend to become aroused around alcohol—whether or not they drink.

Casual Sex and Possibly Serious Risks

Adding to the link between alcohol and rape, when women drink, many men believe they’re more sexually available. A recent study by Iowa State University researchers shows that compared with women who hold glasses of water, men believe that women who hold alcoholic beverages are more eager to get it on and less in need of assistance if things seem to be getting out of hand.

Drink Responsibly

I am not a prohibitionist. I’m not calling for any legal constraints on alcohol beyond current statutes. However, alcohol is a powerful drug with many sexual effects—some beneficial, most detrimental. I urge everyone who’s sexually active to drink responsibly. When people have sex drunk, sexual quality usually suffers and risks of harm soar.

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