Some denounce solo sex as sin or addiction. Actually, it provides many benefits. Whenever I’ve blogged about masturbation, I’ve received a few comments calling it wrong, immoral, sinful, a sign of addiction, and a waste…
Some denounce solo sex as sin or addiction. Actually, it provides many benefits. Whenever I’ve blogged about masturbation, I’ve received a few comments calling it wrong, immoral, sinful, a sign of addiction, and a waste…
Vibrators are by far the most popular sex toy. Sexual enhancement product catalogs offer dozens of models. According to one recent survey, one-third of adult American women own at least one vibrator. In other surveys,…
Combining sex and alcohol produces some benefits—and many possible risks. The most succinct summary of alcohol’s impact on sex was penned 400 years ago by William Shakespeare in Macbeth: “It provokes the desire, but takes…
The bad news: You’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or some other chronic condition. Your doctor says it “can’t be cured,” but it can be “managed,” which you’ll need to…
Men believe the average is 6.2 inches. Actually, it’s an inch shorter. Many popular song lyrics contain double entendres. Among the best known is Bull “Moose” Jackson’s 1952 rhythm and blues hit, “Big 10 Inch.”…
Many say casual sex usually causes regret. Actually, its main result is pleasure Our culture has a long history of demonizing casual sex, that is, lovemaking divorced from any expectation of a future together. For…
Americans are marrying and having children later in life. Today, many couples get pregnant and have children when one or both are over 40. They face sexual issues that, in previous generations, only younger people…
The phrase, “battle of the sexes,” implies a yawning chasm between men’s and women’s sexual sensibilities. The implication is that lesbian/gay couples have less of a “battle.” Because they are members of the same gender,…
Behind “that clean, fresh feeling” touted in ads for feminine hygiene products is a nasty implication women fear—the mistaken notion that the vagina is a dirty, malodorous organ. But the ads have struck a nerve….
Disabilities never preclude great sex. With the will, there’s always a way. In the 1978 Academy-award-winning film Coming Home, a paraplegic Vietnam veteran (John Voight) is a bitter, depressed wreck—until a chance reunion with an…