One Key to Men’s Sexual Satisfaction: Women’s Orgasms

Happy young couple in underwear having fun in bed.

Myth: Men don’t care if women have orgasms. Truth: Men care a great deal

Many surveys show that during partner lovemaking, men have orgasms around 95 percent of the time, but for women the figure is only 50 to 70 percent. Some women complain that men just want to get off and don’t care if they come.

But over the 45 years I’ve answered sex questions, many men have asked how to help their lovers climax. In addition, the distress many men feel about their own sex problems—penis size, premature ejaculation, difficulty coming, and erection problems—stems in part from the belief that their issues interfere with their partners’ enjoyment and orgasms. Actually, size, lasting forever, and coming on cue have much less to do with women’s sexual satisfaction than most men believe (below). But in my experience, many men care deeply about their partner’s ability to work up to orgasm.

A recent study corroborates my opinion.

She Climaxed. I’m a Stud.

Researchers at the University of Michigan randomly assigned 810 men, to read either of two erotic stories. In one, the man brought his gal to orgasm. In the other, he didn’t. Then the investigators asked participants to rate their own masculinity and sexual self-esteem. Those who read the she-came story rated themselves more masculine and studly, suggesting that they valued helping women have orgasms.

Gentlemen, if you want to maximize women’s chances of orgasm:

Women Care About Men’s Orgasms

Just as women’s orgasms are key to men’s sexual self-esteem, many women’s sexual self-esteem depends on men’s orgasms. German researchers surveyed 240 heterosexual women. More than half rated male orgasm “very important” to their sexual satisfaction. Many wanted their man to come before they did. After their men climaxed, the women found it easier to relax, focus on their own pleasure, and work up to orgasm.

Some men don’t care if their lovers have orgasms, but most care deeply.

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