106 results found.
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confused couple

Drugs to treat PE help only a minority of men last as long as they’d like Rapid, involuntary “premature” ejaculation (PE) is men’s #1 sex problem. Erectile dysfunction gets much more publicity, but few men…

Blog Post
Lubricants: The Slippery Secret Of Great Sex

It takes only 10 seconds to demonstrate that sexual lubricants enhance lovemaking: Close your mouth and dry your lips. Run a finger lightly over them, paying close attention to how it feels. Now, lick your…

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couple in shower

Enjoying great sex isn’t all that complicated. Just embrace these nine elements. Each of us is sexually unique. We all have complicated personalities and highly individual lovemaking preferences. Put two erotically unique individuals together, and…

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Male High School Students Using Mobile Phones On School Campus

Despite free Internet porn, today’s teens have become more sexually responsible. Many parents have trouble discussing sex with their children, and even the most comprehensive school sex-education programs have no measurable impact on teen sex…

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The Strange History of Vibrators

Mention vibrators, and most people immediately think of women’s sexual pleasure. And no wonder: Vibrators easily provide direct clitoral stimulation intense enough to produce orgasm reliably and enjoyably during either masturbation or partner sex. Vibrators…

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Caring for Vibrators, and Making Them Last

Vibrators don’t cost much. But they’re more than a cheap thrill. They’re a little electric friend—and like any friendship, making it last takes a certain amount of effort. Follow these simple suggestions and your little…

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Sexy couple in romantic pose

Stress causes many sex problems. Mindfulness relieves them by reducing stress. Great sex and meditation have a good deal in common. Both involve taking breaks from daily routines and responsibilities. Both include deep diaphragmatic breathing….

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young black couple in bed

Anal sex recipients should start solo, use lube, and carefully coach inserters If you feel revolted by anal sex, don’t do it. No one should ever feel pressured to be sexual in ways they’d rather…