50yr old man always wants rough sex

violent porn woman

My man ALWAYS wants rougher sex than I desire. I constantly feel like we are having porno sex. He says there is no such thing. I believe he really just doesn’t know better. He used to watch a lot of porn and no longer does because of my objections. He claims that it is his age that requires more intense stimulation for orgasm. Condoms caused issues he says (I think that is nonsense but we stopped using them years ago anyway). He says he needs oral sex to  even get an erection, which is nonsense because I rarely do (I know I’m selfish and lazy). I am significantly younger and have not had children, so my vagiga isn’t the problem. I believe that his years of watching porn has conditioned him to desiring and always having rough sex (And kinky sex, which I’m not into). I’d like an opinion from a thoughtful middle age man, as all my young female friends who date older men agree with me, as well as gay male friends who date older men. I’m tired of porno sex! I’d like to be made love to and not always feel like an object, but he sees no difference. I have asked him to slow down and he does often loose his erection. Is sensual sex forever a lost cause because of his porn conditioning or is it really desensitization because of age?

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