My bf’s masturbation to porn soon after sex with me

unhappy wife while husband looks at ipad

Hello, I’ve read your posts about masturbation and porn. I’m still concerned
about my boyfriend. We have a lot of sex. For example, yesterday we had sex
five times. Three times while watching porn together as this really arouses
both of us. When we have sex without watching porn, he can not ejaculate
inside of me, no matter how long we go on for. When we watch porn he
ejaculates inside of me, no problem. After our session (over the course of
six hours) of five times, I woke up this morning and caught him watching and
masturbating to porn. This is not the first time its happened and it really
hurts me. I don’t understand why he needs to still watch it after ejaculating
five times merely 5 hours ago. Does he have a problem? Am I too over
sensitive about it and should just let him masturbate as often as he can?
When he is on facebook, he is always looking at naked pics as well. I’ve told
him many times I find it disrespecting towards me, and he keeps doing it. He
also can’t tell me why. He always says, I don’t know. Like when I caught him
this morning, he didn’t explain himself. Just tried to initiate sex with me
afterwards and I eventually gave in as I have a high sex drive. Any advice is

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