I only get aroused and hard while viewing porn

man reaching in jeans masturbation

I read your blog from 2019 on porn induced ED and I completely disagree given
my own experience.

First I will tell you that I am 58. I suffer from hypertension and depression
and have been taking meds to treat both.

But here is why I disagree with your article and perhaps might get further
insight from you regarding this condition.

Every article I have read that says there is a connection between porn use
and ED refers to crazy studies done by religious knuckleheads with an anti-
porn agenda.

I don’t fit into this category as I am an atheist and have no moral qualms
about porn use. To each his own.

However, even on the meds I just described I only seem to be able to become
sufficiently aroused when viewing porn.

I even went to a call girl and couldn’t get it up for her, but went home
turned on the computer and successfully got an erection and climaxed.
So how do you explain that?

1. Even on meds that supposedly contribute to ED, I can get off on porn
2. With a live female I cannot get sufficiently aroused to perform.
3. I have no moral bias against porn

And do not view it as immoral. Most of the articles I have read that support
the idea of Porn Induced ED usually point to this as a major contributing
factor. I don’t seem to fit the description of anyone that they point to.

4. I understand that the images one views online are not normal sexual acts
by most people’s standards and would have no expectation that a real partner
would be able or willing to engage in them.

Porn actors are like athletes they train their bodies to do the things they
do like any athlete. How many average folks would be able to do a pole vault
like an Olympic athlete. Very few if any.

So given all this, if Porn Induced ED does not exist as you maintain, how do
you explain my situation?

I therefore submit that porn is related to ED because I have contributing
factors to the typical causes: hypertension, depression and meds that can be
blamed for ED But I can get a normal arousal ONLY when viewing porn.
Your thoughts?

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