Sorry, but I don’t agree with you. Porn DAMAGES a lot of relationships. I know. Anyone with an addictive personality becomes addicted and then it’s only porn that gets them off. There are more screwed up men (and women) out there than you know. I agree with the woman who responded to your article in AARP. I myself lost my self-esteem and sex drive because he uses porn. In my 50’s and I’m still fairly attractive. His mother bought him Playboy at a young age saying it was healthy. He has a highly addictive personality and will take everything to the extreme: alcohol, gambling, drugs, and porn. All those vices go hand in hand. I just ended our relationship to save what is left of me. Your article only confirms in their minds that there’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing. He started telling me what he’d like to do to some young women he’d see when we were out and about. So, it is unhealthy! It damages their partners for life. Do you still think it’s so great?