Shame around same-sex fantasies and anal play

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As someone who is turned on, inspired and who feels awakened to life when meeting beautiful women, I have shame around the fact that I have always enjoyed anal play with toys (or whatever is handy). I feel like it makes me fear going forward with dating women in case it becomes an issue. I also worry about being able to perform with the women I feel attracted to. I didn’t have problems like that in the past except when taking antidepressants, which I recently resumed taking after 24 years (though they it mainly delay ejaculation). I also have some same-sex attractions. I always repressed them, although in my last relationship I let her know. I guess now I feel attracted to women and want to start dating again after a long dry spell. And I don’t want to feel shame. I was wondering if you had any thoughts, or could direct me to one of your articles.

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