Why am I always in the mood for sex?

senior couple snuggling outdoors

I’m curious why I am always in the mood for sex. So I googled and came upon your Psychology Today blog. I am 61, happily married to my beautiful 50 year old wife of 27 years. Guess I’m one of the lucky few that can still get aroused 3-4 times a week although I am curious to why. Up until about five years ago I used to work out three times a week regularly and eat a very healthy salad with nuts and fruit and vegetables with olive oil every single day—until my son passed away. Then I stopped working out. I still eat the salad though. Also I picked up smoking again which I gave up years ago, and now smoke about a half a pack a day. Anyways getting back to the sexual desire thing. Should I be having sex this much at my age? Is it healthy? Am I abnormal? Just thought I’d ask. Thank you for your article in psychology today it was informative and I enjoyed it.

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