Estimated prevalence of child sexual abuse by advocacy organizations

The rate of child sexual abuse has declined

Finkelhor, D. and L. Jones. “Why Have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined?” Journal of Social Issues (2006) 62:685.

Books about child sex abuse and recovery

Bass, Ellen and Laura Davis. The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (20th Anniversary edition). William Morrow, NY, 2008.

Davis, Laura. Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child. William Morrow, NY, 1991.

Haines, Staci. Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma. Cleis Press, San Francisco, 2007.

Lew, Mike. Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse. Harper, 2004.

Consequences of child sexual abuse

Bachman, G.A. et al. :” Childhood Sexual Abuse and Its Consequences in Adult Women,” Obstetrics and Gynecology (1988) 71:631.

Banyard, V.L. “The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Family Functioning on Four Dimensions of Women’s Later Parenting,” Child Abuse and Neglect (1997) 21:1095.

Banyard, V.L. et al. “Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Gender Perspective on Context and Consequences,” Child Maltreatment (2004) 9:223.

Butler, D.J. et al. “Men Sexually Abused in Childhood: Sequelae and Implications for the Family Physician,” Archives of Family Medicine (1993) 2:29.

Cuevas, C.A. et al. “Psychological Distress As a Risk Factor for Re-Victimization in Children,” Child Abuse and Neglect (2010) 34:235.

Hornor, G. “Child Sex Abuse: Consequences and Implications,” Journal of Pediatric Health Care (2010) 24:358.

Lind, M.J. et al. “An Epidemiologic Study of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Sleep Disturbances,” Psychology of Trauma (2016) 8:198.

Moraise, H.D. et al “Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adolescents Adjudicated for Sexual Offenses: Mental Health Consequences and Sexual Offending Behavior,” Sex Abuse (2016) epub ahead of print.

Newcomb, M.D. et al. “Child Sex Abuse Consequences in a Community Sample of Latino and European American Adolescents,” Child Abuse and Neglect (2009) 33:533.

Skinner, M.L. et al. “Adult Binge Drinking: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Gender, and the Role of Adolescent Alcohol0Related Experiences,” Alcohol and Alcoholism (2016) 51:136.

Talbot, N.L. et al. “Childhood Sexual Abuse Is Associated with Physical Illness Burden and Functioning in Psychiatric Patients 50 Years of Age and Older,” Psychosomatic Medicine (2009) 71:417.

Waller, G. “Childhood Sexual Abuse and Borderline Personality Disorder in the Eating Disorders,” Child Abuse and Neglect (1994) 18:97.

Wilson, L.C. and A. Scarpa. “Unacknowledged Rape: The Influences of Child Sexual Abuse and Personality Traits,” Journal of Child Sex Abuse (2015) 24:975.

Wilson, D.R. “Health Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse,” Perspectives on Psychiatric Care (2010) 46:56.

Comparison of two approaches to child sex abuse recovery

Brotto, L.A. et al. “Pilot Study of a Brief Cognitive Behavioral Versus Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Women with Sexual Distress and a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2012) 38:1.