Montreal researcher couldn’t find any men who hadn’t viewed porn.

Almost half of U.S. men age eighteen to thirty-nine view porn in any given week.

Regnerus, M. et al. “Documenting Pornography Use in America: A Comparative Analysis of Methodological Approaches,” Journal of Sex Research(2016) 53:873.

Men masturbate considerably more than women

Carvalheira, A. et al. “Masturbation and Pornography Use Among Coupled Hegtersexual Men with Decreased Sexual Desire: How Many Roles for Masturbation?” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2015) 41:626.

Herbenick, D. et al. “Sexual Behavior in the United States: Results from a National Probability Sample of Men and Women Ages 14-94,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2010) 7(suppl 5):255.

Laumann, E.O et al. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Petersen, J.L. and J.S. Hyde. “Gender Differences and Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Review of Meta-Analytic Results and Large Datasets,” Journal of Sex Research (2011) 48:149.

Men use sex for stress relief

Alwaal, A. et al. “Normal Male Sexual Function: Emphasis on Orgasm and Ejaculation,” Fertility and Sterility (2015) 104:1051.

Carroll K. et al. “Differences Between Males and Females in Motives for Engaging in Sexual Intercourse,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1985) 14:131.

Exton, M.S. et al. “Cardiovascular and Endocrine Alternations After Masturbation-Induced Orgasm in Women,” Psychosomatic Medicine (1999) 61:280.

More than half of American women own vibrators

Herbenick, D. et al. “Prevalence and Characteristics of Vibrator Use By Women in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Study,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2009) 6:1857.

30 percent of Americans suffer significant anxiety

International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals

Gentle Path at The Meadows, Carnes residential “sex addiction” treatment program specializing in men

Gentle Path

“Deep undercurrent of sexual trauma in our culture.”

Carnes, P. Out of the Shadows, Hazelden Publishing, Center City, MN, 2001, p. x.

Porn traps men for hours

Carnes P. et al. In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior (2007 ed). Hazelden Foundation, Center City, MN. p. 16.

Maltz, W. and L. The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming the Problems Caused by Pornography. HarperCollins, NY, 2008, p. 4.

Actual prevalence of “out of control” sexual behavior

PornHub statistics

Skegg, K. et al. “Perceived ‘Out of Control’ Sexual Behavior in a Cohort of Young Adults from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) 39:968.

Prevalence of selected social and sex problems among adult men

The average American watches five hours of TV per day

Does porn cause sexism?

Rasmussen, K.R. and T. Kohut. “Does Religious Attendance Moderate the Connection Between Pornography Consumption and Attitudes Toward Women?” Journal of Sex Research (2019) 56:38.

Since the arrival of Internet porn, the rate of child sexual abuse has declined.

Finkelhor, D. and L. Jones. “Why Have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined?” Journal of Social Issues (2006) 62:685.

Since the arrival of Internet porn, teens have become more sexually responsible.

CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey—1997

CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey —2015

Long-term trends in teen birth rates

Since the arrival of Internet porn, the U.S. abortion rate has fallen to an all-time low.

Since the arrival of Internet porn, the U.S. adoption rate has fallen.

Since the arrival of Internet porn, rates of sexual assault have decreased worldwide.

Condron, M.K. and D.E. Nutter. “A Preliminary Examination of the Pornography Experience of Sex Offenders, Parphiliacs, Sexual Dysfunction Patients, and Controls Based on Meese Commission Recommendations,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (1988) 14:285.

Cook, R.F. et al. “Pornography and the Sex Offender: Patterns of Previous Exposure and Arousal Effects of Pornographic Stimuli,” Journal of Applied Psychology (1971) 55:503.

Fisher, W.A. et al. “Pornography, Sex Crime, and Paraphilia,” Current Psychiatry Reports (2013) 15:362.

Fukui, A. and B. Westmore. “To See Or Not To See: The Debate Over Pornography and Its Relationship to Sexual Aggression,” Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (1994) 28:600.

Goldstein, M. et al. “Experience with Pornography: Rapists, Pedophiles, Homosexuals, Transsexuals, and Controls,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1997) 1:1.

Gwee, K.P. et al. “The Sexual Profile of Rapists in Singapore,” Medicine, Science and the Law (2002) 42:51.

Kohut, T. et al. “Is Pornography Really About ‘Making Hate to Women?’ Pornography Users Hold More Gender-Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample,” Journal of Sex Research (2016) 53:1.

Langevin, R. et al. “Pornography and Sexual Offences,” Annals of Sex Research (1988) 1:335.

Nutter, D.E. and M.E. Kearns. “Patterns of Exposure to Sexually Explicit Material Among Sex Offenders, Child Molesters, and Controls,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (1993) 19:77.

Seto, M.C. et al. “The Role of Pornography in the Etiology of Sexual Aggression,” Aggression and Violent Behavior (2001) 6:35.

Porn increases extra-marital and sex.

Harkness, al. “Association Between Pornography Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adult Consumers: A Systematic Review,” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2015) 18:59.

Wright, P.J. “U.S. Males and Pornography, 1973-2010: Consumption, Predictors, Correlates,” Journal of Sex Research (2013) 50:60.

Compulsive sexuality linked to anxiety, depression, etc.

Black, D.W. et al. “Characteristics of 36 Subjects Reporting Compulsive Sexual Behavior,” American Journal of Psychiatry (1997) 154:243.

Odlaug, B.L. “Compulsive Sexual Behavior in Young Adults,” Annals of Clinical Psychiatry (2013) 25:193.

Raymond, N.C. et al. “Psychiatric Comorbidity and Compulsive/Impulsive Traits in Compulsive Sexual Behavior,” Comprehensive Psychiatry (2003) 44:370.

The allegation that Internet porn is an increasingly significant contributor to divorce.

Maltz, W. and L. The Porn Trap. HarperCollins, NY, 2008, p. 2.

Perry, S. “Pornography Use and Marital Separation: Evidence from Two-Wave Panel Data,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) epub ahead of print doi:10.1007/s10508-017-1080-8.

Since the arrival of Internet porn, the U.S. divorce rate has decreased.

Porn does not destroy men’s close relationships.

Butler, M.H. et al. “Pornography Use and Loneliness: A Bidirectional Recursive Model and Pilot Investigation,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2018) 44:127.

Popovic, M. “Pornography Use and Closeness with Others in Men,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2011) 40:449.

Staley, C. and N. Prause. “Erotica Viewing Effects on Intimate Relationships and Self-Partner Evaluations,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2013) 42:615.

The allegation that Internet porn depresses male libido.

The Porn Trap, p. 81.

Porn increases male libido.

Prause, N. and J. Pfaus. “Viewing Sexual Stimuli Associated with Greater Sexual Responsiveness, Not Erectile Dysfunction,” Sexual Medicine (2015) 3:90.

The allegations that porn increases risk of ED and orgasm/ejaculation problems

The Porn Trap, p. 81.

Park, B.Y. et al. “Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports,” Behavioral Sciences (2016) 6:17 doi: 10.3390/bs6030017.

Grubbs, J.B. et al. “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Dysfunction? Results from Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2019) 16:111.

Sex boosts marital happiness

Costa, R.M. and S. Brody. “Women’s Relationship Quality is Associated with Specifically Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Orgasm and Frequency,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2007) 33:319.

Hurlbert, D.F. and C. Apt. “Female Sexual Desire, Response, and Behavior,” Behavior Modification (1994) 18:488.

Sex boosts the immune system

Charnetski, C. and FX Brennan. “Sexual Frequency and Salivary Immunoglobulin A,” Psychological Reports (2004) 94:839.

Sex mitigates menstrual cramping

Sex may help relieve migraines and cluster headaches

Hambach, A. et al. “The Impact of Sexual Activity on Idiopathic Headaches: An Observational Study,” Cephalalgia (2013) 33:384.

Sex helps control blood pressure

Brody, S. “Blood Pressure Reactivity to Stress Is Better for People who Recently Had Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Than for Those Who Had Other or No Sexual Activity,” Biology and Physiology (2006) 71:214.

Sex helps prevent prostate cancer

Kotb, A.F. et al. “Sexual Activity and the Risk of Prostate Cancer: Review Article,” Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology (2015) 87:214.

Sex helps prevent and relieve hot flashes

Akinwale, S.O. “Comparative Study of Coitus and Non-Coitus in the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms,” African Journal of Medicine and Medical Science (2007) 36:17.

Daily ejaculations improve sperm quality

Women’s orgasms boost chances of conception

Baker, R.R. and M.A. Bellis. “Human Sperm Competition: Ejaculate Manipulation by Females and a Function for the Female Orgasm,” Animal Behavior (1993) 46:887.

Sex prolongs life

Davey-Smith, G. et al. “Sex and Death: Are They Related? Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study,” British Medical Journal (1997) 315:1641.

Carnes on “excessive sexuality”

Carnes, P. Don’t Call It Love, Bantam, NY, 1992, pp. 11-12, 19-22, 42-45.

“Excessive” sex means seven or more orgasms a week.

Kafka M.P. “Hypersexual Disorder: A Proposed Diagnosis for DSM-V,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) 39:377.

How often men and women think about sex.

Fisher, T.D. et al. “Sex on the Brain? An Examination of Frequency of Sexual Cognitions as a Function of Gender, Erotophila, and social Desirability,” Journal of Sex Research (2012) 49:69.

Fischtein, D.S. et al. “How Much Does Gender Explain in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors? A Survey of Canadian Adults.” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2007) 36:451.

Carnes on anonymous sex

Carnes, P. Don’t Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction. Bantam, NY, 1991, p. 49

Americans’ frequency of one-night-stands

How young adults feel about one-nighters

Garcia, J.R. et al. “Sexual Hook-Up Culture: A Review,” Review of General Psychology (2012) 16:161.

Strokoff, J. et al. “Diverse Reactions to Hooking Up Among U.S. University Students,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2015) 44:935.

Americans’ number of lifetime sex partners

Prevalence of occasional consensual non-monogamy and group sex

Bergstrand, C. and J.B. Williams. “Today’s Alternative Marriage Styles: The Case of Swingers,” Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (2000)

Haupert, M.L. et al.”Prevalence of Experiences with Consensual Nonmonogamous Relationships: Findings from Two National Samples of Single Americans,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2017) 43:424.

Herbenick, D. et al. “Sexual Diversity in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Probability Sample of Adult Women and Men,” PLoS One (2017) 12:7:e0181198.

Jenks, RT. “Swinging: A Review of the Literature,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1998) 27:507

Swingers: The large majority are psychologically healthy

Barker, M. “This Is My Partner, and This Is My Partner’s Partner: Constructing Polyamorous Identity in a Monogamous World,” Journal of Constructivist Psychology (2005) 18:75.

Bergstrand, C. and J.B. Williams. “Today’s Alternative Marriage Styles: The Case of Swingers,” Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (2000)

Conley, T.D. et al. “The Fewer the Merrier? Assessing Stogma Surrounding Consensually Mon-Monogamous Romantic Relationships,” Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (2013) 13:1.

DeVisser, R. and D. McDonald. “Swings and Roundabouts: Management of Jealousy in Heterosexual Swinging Couples,” British Journal of Social Psychology (2007) 46:459.

Dixon, D. “Perceived Sexual Satisfaction and Marital Happiness of Bisexual and Heterosexual Swinging Husbands,” Journal of Homosexuality (1985) 11:209.

Dominus, S. “Not Just Us: Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage?” New York Times Magazine, May14, 2017.

Duckworth, J. and E.E. Levitt. “Personality Analysis of a Swingers Club,” Lifestyles (1985) 8:35.

Jenks, R.J. Swinging: A Test of Two Theories and a Proposed New Model,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1985) 14:517.

Jenks, RT. “Swinging: A Review of the Literature,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1998) 27:507

Rubel, A.N. and A.F. Bogaert. “Consensual Nonmonogamy: Psychological Well-Being and Relationship Quality Correlates,” Journal of Sex Research (2015) 52:961.

Rubin, A.M. “Sexually Open vs. Sexually Exclusive Marriages: A Comparison of Dyadic Adjustment,” Alternative Lifestyles (1982) 5:101.

Rubin, A.M. and J.R. Adams. “Outcomes of Sexually Open Marriages,” Journal of Sex Research (1986) 22:311.

How many men pay for sex? Why?

Calvin, T. “Why I Visit Prostitutes,”

Gagnon, M. “What Kind of Men Go to Prostitutes?” “Percentage of Men (by Country) Who Paid for Sex at Least Once.”

Westerhoff, N. “Why Do Men Buy Sex?” Scientific American Oct. 2012. 

Many mentally healthy people are very sexually active

Caravalho, J. et al. “Hypersexuality and High Sexual Desire: Exploring the Structure of Problematic Sexuality,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2015) 12:1356.

Langstrom, N. and R.K. Hanson. “High Rates of Sexual Behavior in the General Population: Correlates and Predictors,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2006) 35:37.

Winters, J. et al. “Dysregulated Sexuality and High Sexual Desire: Distinct Constructs?” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) 39:1029. 

Dopamine surges in the brains of both drug addicts and alleged sex addicts

Park, B.Y. et al. “Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports,” Behavioral Sciences (2016) 6:17.

The brains of alleged sex addicts do not resemble those of drug addicts

Miner, M. et al. “Preliminary Investigation of the Impulsive and Neuroanatomical Characteristics of Compulsive Sexual Behavior,” Psychiatry Research (2009) 174:146.

Georgiadis, J.R. and M.L Kringelbach. “The Human Sexual Response Cycle: Brain Imaging Evidence Linking Sex to Other Pleasures,” Progress in Neurobiology (2012) 98:49.

Hagemann, J.H. et al. “Effects of Visual Sexual Stimuli and Apomorphine SL on Cerebral Activity in Men with Erectile Dysfunction,” European Urology (2003) 43:412.

Prause, N. et al. “Modulation of Late Positive Potentials By Sexual Images in Problem Users and Controls Inconsistent with ‘Porn Addiction,’” Biological Psychology (2015) 109:192.

Steele, V.R. et al. “Sexual Desire, Not Hypersexuality, is Related to Neurophysiological Responses Elicited by Sexual Images,” Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology (2013) 3:20770.

Carnes’s assertion that sex causes guilt and shame

Carnes, P. Don’t Call It Love: /recovery from Sexual Addiction. Bantam, NY, 1992, p. 306.

The real culprits in sex addiction: sexual guilt, shame, anxiety, and sex-negative upbringing

Cranney, S. and A. Stulhofer. “‘Whosever Looketh on a Person to Lust After Them:’ Religiosity, Use of Mainstream and non-Mainstream Sexually Explicit Material, and Sexual Satisfaction in Heterosexual Men and Women,” Journal of Sex Research (2017) 54:694.

Gilliland, R. et al. “The Roles of Guilt and Shame in Hypersexual Behavior,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2011) 18:12.

Gola, M. et al. “What Matters: Quantity or Quality of Pornography Use? Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Seeking Treatment for Problematic Pornography Use,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2016) 13:815.

Grubbs, J.B. et al. “Moral Incongruence and Pornography Use: A Critical Review and Integration,” Journal of Sex Research (2019) 56:29.

Grubbs, J.B. et al. “Internet Pornography Use, Perceived Addiction, and Religious/Spiritual Struggles,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) 46:1733.

Leonhardt, al. “Damaged Goods: Perception of Pornography Addiction as a Mediator Between Religiosity and Relationship Anxiety Surrounding Pornography Use,” Journal of Sex Research (2018) 55:357.

Perry, S.L. and K.J. Snawder. “Pornography, Religion, and Parent-Child Relationship Quality,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) 46:1747.

Perry, S.L. and A.L. Whitehead. “Only Bad for Believers? Religion, Pornography Use, and Sexual Satisfaction Among American Men,” Journal of Sex Research (2019) 56:50.

Perry, S.L. “Not Practicing What You Preach: Religion and Incongruence Between Pornography Beliefs and Usage,” Journal of Sex Research (2018) 55:369.

Ross, M.W. et al. “Prevalence, Severity, and Correlates of Problematic Sexual Internet Use in Swedish Men and Women,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2012) 41:459.

Sniewski, L. et al. “The Assessment and Treatment of Adult Heterosexual Men with Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use: A Review,” Addictive Behaviors (2018) 77:217.

Stulhofer, A. et al. “Is High Sexual Desire A Facet of Male Hypersexuality? Results from an Online Study,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2016) 42:665.

Porn has not become increasingly violent over time

Shor, E. and K. Seida. “‘Harder and Harder?’ Is Mainstream Pornography Becoming Increasingly Violent? And Do Viewers Prefer Violent Content?” Journal of Sex Research (2019) 56:16.

People diagnosed as hypersexual don’t show addictive tendencies

Reid, R.C. and B.N. Carpenter. “Exploring Relationship of Psychopathology in Hypersexual Patients Using MMPI-2,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2009)35:294.

The formula for problematic sex: S-A-F-E

Carnes, P. Out of the Shadows: Understanging Sexual Addiction. Hazelden, Cdenter City, MN, 2001, p. 189.

Carnes’ assertion that BDSM is toxic

Carnes, P. Don’t Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction. Bantam, NY, 1991, pp. 44, 62.

In the sex-therapy textbook, Sexual Desire Disorders, Sandra Lieblum, Ph.D., and Raymond Rosen, Ph.D., call sexual compulsivity very rare.

Lieblum, S.R. and Rosen, R.C. Introduction to Sexual Desire Disorders, Guilford Press, 1988, p. 9.

The plethora of sex/porn addiction screening tests

Reay, B. et al. “Inventing Sex: The Short History of Sex Addiction,” Sexuality & Culture (2013) 17:1.

Trends in academic journal articles on sex addiction.

Kraus, S.W. et al. “Should Compulsive Sexual Behavior Be Considered an Addiction?” Addiction (2016) 111:2097.

Celebrities identified as sex addicts

NY Times mentions of sex addiction

Reay, B. et al. “Inventing Sex: The Short History of Sex Addiction,” Sexuality and Culture (2013) 17:1.

The sex-addiction literature is largely anecdotal

Mudry, T.E. et al. “Conceptualizing Excessive Behaviour Syndromes: A Systematic Review,” Current Psychiatry Reviews (2011) 7:138.

Why DSM-V does not include “sex addiction”

Klein, M. His Porn, Her Pain: Confronting America’s Porn Panic with Straight Talk About Sex. Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA, 2016. Pp. 162, 179.

Ley, D.J. The Myth of Sex Addiction. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2012.

John Money quoted from

Reay, B. et al. Sex Addiction: A Critical History. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, 2015.

AASECT rejects the sex-addiction model

How to change habits

Sex-oriented anonymous groups don’t help

Garza, E. Getting Off: One Woman’s Journey Through Sex and Porn Addiction.Simon & Schuster, NY, 2018, pp. 170-176.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) work well for self-identified sex addiction

Crosby, J.M. and M.P. Twohig. “Acceptance and Commitment therapy for Problematic Internet Pornography Use: A Randomized Trial,” Behavior Therapy (2016) 47:355.

Hallberg, J. et al. “A Randomized Controlled Study of Group-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Hypersexual Disorder in Men,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2019) 16:733.

Hallberg, J. et al. “A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Group Intervention for Hypersexual Disorder: A Feasibility Study,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2017) 14:950.

Hook, J.N. et al. “Methodological Review of Treatments for Non-Paraphilic Hypersexual Behavior,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2014) 40:294.

Kellett, S. et al. “Testing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Hypersexuality Disorder: An Intensive Time-Series Evaluation,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2017) 43:501.

Klontz, B.T. et al. “The Effectiveness of Brief Multimodal Experiential Therapy in the Treatment of Sexual Addiction,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2005) 4:275.

Twohig, M.P. and J.M. Crosby. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Problematic Internet Pornography Viewing,” Behavior Therapy (2010) 41:285.

Books and studies arguing in favor of the sex/porn addiction model

Allen, A. et al. “Problematic Internet Pornography Use: The Role of Craving, Desire, Thinking, and Metacognition,” Addictive Behavior (2017) 70:65.

Banca, P. et al. “Novelty, Conditioning, and Attentional Bias to Sexual Rewards,” Journal of Psychiatric Research (2016) 72:91.

Bergner, R.M. and A.J. Bridges. “The Significance of Heavy Pornography Involvement for Romantic Partners: Research and Clinical Implications,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2002) 28:193.

Black, D.W. et al. “Characteristics of 36 Subjects Reporting Compulsive Sexual Behavior,” American Journal of Psychiatry (1997) 154:243.

Bridges, A.J. et al. “Romantic Partners’ Use of Pornography: Its Significance for Women,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2003) 29:1.

Carnes, P. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction (3rd ed.). Hazelden Publishing, Center City, MN, 2001.

Carroll, J.S. et al. “Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults,” Journal of Adolescent Research (2008) 23:6.

Collins, G.N. with A. Adleman. Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame. New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA, 2010.

Cooper, A. et al. “Sex on the Internet: Furthering Our Understanding of Men with Online Sex Problems,” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2004) 18:223.

Cooper, A. et al. “Cybersex Users, Abusers, and Compulsives: New Findings and Implications,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity,” (2000) 7:5.

Dines, G. Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. Beacon Press, Boston, 2010

Doran, K. and J. Price. “Pornography and Marriage,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues (2014) 35:489.

Duffy, A. et al. “Pornography Addiction in Adults: A Systematic Review of Definitions and Reported Impact,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2016) 13:760.

Farré, JM. Et al. “Sex Addiction and Gambling Disorder: Similarities and Differences,” Comprehensive Psychiatry (2015) 56:59.

Garza, E. Getting Off: One Woman’s Journey Through Sex and Porn Addiction. Simon & Schuster, NY, 2018.

Gola, M. et al. “What Matters: Quantity or Quality of Pornography Use? Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Seeking Treatment for Problematic Pornography Use,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2016) 13:815.

Griffiths, M. “Excessive Internet Use: Implications for Sexual Behavior,” CyberPsychology and Behavior (2000) 3:537.

Griffiths, M. “Sex on the Internet: Observations and Implications for Internet Sex Addiction,” Journal of Sex Research (2001) 38:333.

Griffiths, M.D. “Compulsive Sexual Behavior as a Behavioral Addiction: The Impact of the Internet and Other Issues,” Addiction (2016) 111:2107.

Grubbs. J.B. et al. “Internet Pornography Use, Perceived Addiction, and Religious/Spiritual Struggles,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) 46:1733.

Jensen, R. Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity. South End Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007.

Kafka, M.P. “Hypersexual Disorder: A Proposed Diagnosis for DSM-V,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) 39:377.

Korkelia, J. et al. “Attached to the Web: Harmful Use of the Internet and Its Correlates,” European Psychiatry (2010) 25:236.

Kraus, S.W. et al. “Clinical Characteristics of Men Interested In Seeking Treatment for Use of Pornography,” Journal of Addictive Behavior (2016) 5:169.

Maltz, W. and L. The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography. Collins, NY, 2008.

Manning, J.C. “The Impact of Internet Pornography on Marriage and the Family: A Review of the Research,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2006) 13:131.

Meerkerk, G.J. et al. “Predicting Compulsive Internet Use: It’s All About Sex!” Cyberpsychology and Behavior (2006) 9:95.

Morgan, E.M. “Associations Between Young Adults’ Use of Sexually Explicit Materials and the Sexual Preferences, Behaviors, and Satisfaction,” Journal of Sex Research (20110) 48:520.

Park, B.Y. et al. “Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports,” Behavioral Sciences (2016) 6:17.

Perry, S.L. and C. Schleifer. “Till Porn Do Us Part? A Longitudinal Examination of Pornography Use and Divorce,” Journal of Sex Research (2018) 55:284.

Perry, S.L. “Does Viewing Pornography Reduce Marital Quality Over Time? Evidence from Longitudinal Data,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) 46:549.

Perry, S.L. “Pornography Use and Marital Separation: Evidence from Two-Wave Panel Data,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017) epub ahead of print

Poulsen, F.O. et al. “Pornography Use: Who Uses It and How It Is Associated with Couple Outcomes,” Journal of Sex Research (2013) 50:72.

Riosenbberg, K.P. et al. “Evaluation and Treatment of Sex Addiction,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2014) 40:77.

Schneider, J.P. et al. “A Qualitative Study of Cybersex Participants: ender Differences, Recovery Issues, and Implications for Therapists,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2000) 7:249. 

Schneider, J.P. “Effects of Cybersex Addiction on the Family: Results of a Survey,” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2000) 7:31.

Smith, P.H. et al. “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Among Male Military Veterans: Prevalence and Associated Clinical Factors,” Journal of Behavioral Addictions (2014) 3:214.

Staley, C. and N. Prause. “Erotica Viewing Effects on Intimate Relationships and Self/Partner Evaluations,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2013) 42:615.

Stewart, D.N. and D.M. Szymanski. “Young Adult Women’s Reports of Their Male Romantic Partner’s Pornography Use as a Correlate of Their Self-Esteem, Relationship Quality, and Sexual Satisfaction,” Sex Roles (2012) 67:257.

Sun, C. et al. “Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2016) 45:983.

Sutton, K.S. et al. “Patient Characteristics by Type of Hypersexuality Referral: A Quantitative Chart Review of 115 Consecutive Male Cases,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2015) 41:563.

Twohig, M.P. et al. “Viewing Internet Pornography: For Whom Is It Problematic, How, and Why?” Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (2009) 16:253.

Weiss, R. Sex Addiction 101. Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach FL, 2015.

Wery, A. and J. Billieux. “Online Sexual Activities: An Exploratory Study of Problematic and Non-Problematic Usage Patterns in a Sample of Men,” Computers in Human Behavior (2016) 56:257.

Critiques of the sex-addiction model

Braun-Harvey, D. and M.A. Vigorito. Treating Out-Of-Control Sexual Behavior. Springer, NY, 2016.

Fisher, W.A. “Pornography Viewing: Keep Calm and Carry On,” Journal of of Sexual Medicine (2017) 14:320,

Kingston, D.A. “Hypersexuality: Fact or Fiction?” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2018) 15:613.

Klein, M. His Porn, Her Pain: Confronting America’s Porn Panic with Honest Talk About Sex. Praeger/ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA, 2016.

Kraus, S.W. et al. “Should Compulsive Sexual Behavior Be Considered an Addiction?” Addiction (2016) 111:2097.

Ley, D.J. The Myth of Sex Addiction. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2012.

Reay, B. et al. “Inventing Sex: The Short History of Sex Addiction,” Sexuality & Culture (2013) 17:1.

Voros, F. “The Invention of Addiction to Pornography,” Sexologies (2009) 18:243.

Winters, J. “Hypersexual Disorder: A More Cautious Approach,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) Letter: DOI 10.1007/s10508-010-9607-2

Winters, J. et al. “Dysregulated Sexuality and High Sexual Desire: Distinct Constructs?” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010) 39:1029.

Compulsive sexual behavior disorder in ICD-11

Kraus, S. et al. “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the ICD-11,” World Psychiatry (2018) 17:109.

Ley, D. “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in ICD-11,”