Sharon Mitchell
Stereotypes of porn performers
Bradley, M.S. “Girlfriends, Wives, and Strippers: Managing Stigma in Exotic Dancer Romantic Relationships,” Deviant Behavior (2007) 28:379.
Evans-DeCicco, J.A. and G. Cowan. “Attitudes Toward Pornography and the Characteristics Attributed to Pornography Actors,” Sex Roles (2001) 44:351.
Griffith, J.D. et al. “Characteristics of Pornography Film actors: Self-Reports Vs. Perceptions of College Students,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2013) 42:637.
The study
Griffith, JD. et al. “Pornography Actresses: An Assessment of the ‘Damaged Goods’ Hypothesis,” Journal of Sex Research (2013) 50:621.
Women porn performers have fewer sex problems than most women
Dubin, J.M. et al. “Evaluation of Indicators of Female Sexual Dysfunction in Adult Entertainers,” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2109) 16:621.
Six percent of women are highly sexual
Laumann, E.O. et al. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. University of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 88.
Prevalence of exhibitionism
Holtzman, D. and N. Kulish. “Female Exhibitionism: Identification, Competition, and Camaraderie,” International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2012) 93:271.
Langstrom, N. and M.C. Seto. “Exhibitionistic and Voyeuristic Behavior in a Swedish National Population ‘survey,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2006) 35:427.
Langstrom, N. and R.K. Hanson. “High Rates of Sexual Behavior in the General Population: Correlates and Predictors,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2006) 35:37.
Forty-one states have outlawed revenge porn
Wang, V. “After Years of Delay in Albany, Revenge Porn Law Passes,” New York Times, March 1, 2019.