73 results found.
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Black couple on bed hot and heavy

Our culture has a long history of demonizing casual sex, that is, lovemaking divorced from any expectation of a future together. For centuries, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all insisted that God approves of sex…

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woman helpin gman in wheelchair cross a street

Disabilities never preclude great sex. With the will, there’s always a way. In the 1978 Academy-award-winning film Coming Home, a paraplegic Vietnam veteran (John Voight) is a bitter, depressed wreck—until a chance reunion with an…

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Close-up of a young man feeding a strawberry to a girl

The sex-addiction industry says the affliction causes great harm. Does it? Part 1 of this series shows that “sex addiction” does not meet standard criteria for real addictions. Proponents of sex-addiction understand this, but don’t want…

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Young man masturbating to adult content on his laptop in bed

Most alleged sex addicts aren’t compulsive or addicted, just misinformed. Sexual compulsivity or out-of-control sexual behavior has been documented. So has being sexually turned on by bees—melissaphilia. Like melissaphilia, true sexual compulsivity is rare. It…

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confused couple

Drugs to treat PE help only a minority of men last as long as they’d like Rapid, involuntary “premature” ejaculation (PE) is men’s #1 sex problem. Erectile dysfunction gets much more publicity, but few men…

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young black couple in bed

Anal sex recipients should start solo, use lube, and carefully coach inserters If you feel revolted by anal sex, don’t do it. No one should ever feel pressured to be sexual in ways they’d rather…

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Happy young couple in underwear having fun in bed.

In both genders, orgasm difficulties are fairly common—and almost always curable In partner sex, some people—both men and women—take quite a while to work their way up to orgasm. Sometimes, it’s situational. If you’re drunk,…

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Anal Play — Without Pain

What exactly is anal sex? In pornography, it means just one thing—penis-anus intercourse. But according to San Francisco sex therapist Jack Morin, Ph.D., author of Anal Pleasure and Health, a highly regarded guide to anal…

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black couple in bed

This is the weird, improbable story of vaginal orgasms. More than a century ago, a famous physician postulated their existence. Sixty years later, the first scientific sex researchers declared them nonsense. Finally, over the past…