133 results found.
Blog Post
Lubricants: The Slippery Secret Of Great Sex

It takes only 10 seconds to demonstrate that sexual lubricants enhance lovemaking: Close your mouth and dry your lips. Run a finger lightly over them, paying close attention to how it feels. Now, lick your…

Blog Post
Threesme - Woman standing between two men

The popularity of unconventional sex raises questions about what’s “deviant.” Here’s a headline that’s impossible to resist: “Huge New Survey Documents How and How Often Americans Have Sex.” Who wouldn’t read that? There’s a bit…

Blog Post
Love couple in bed

Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In alleged “sex addiction,” the real issues are usually guilt and shame about being sexual. Sex comes in three varieties: procreative, relationship-affirming, and recreational. Humans have always…

Blog Post
Male vs Female Orgasms - Which Is Better

This video is informative and enjoyable, but it neglects to mention WHY men are more likely to orgasm during heterodox than women, and WHY lesbian women are more reliably orgasmic than heterosexual women. In a…

Blog Post
Weak Erections Or Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Most men have no idea that at some point after 40, and usually by 50, their erections start to change. The same men who, from their teen years into their forties, could raise firm erections…

Blog Post
elderly black couple

In many men, sexual myths contribute to normal middle-age erection balkiness and to more serious erectile dysfunction (ED). Here are the most erection-deflating myths—and the truth about these issues: Myth: Erection is something men “achieve.”…