About one-quarter of women are usually orgasmic during intercourse. Half of women have orgasms during intercourse half the time. About 20 percent rarely or ever have orgasms during intercourse. And about 5 percent never have…
Chronic sleep deprivation is common and hurts libido and sexual function An estimated 30 percent of Americans have trouble falling or staying asleep. Insomnia reduces libido, impairs sexual energy and function, and raises risk of…
Here are some fast fixes for the 25% of users who experience condom-linked erection trouble. Depending on the study, 18 to 36 percent of condom users—roughly one-quarter—report condom-associated erection loss, usually difficulties maintaining firmness once…
My book was recently reviewed by Mac Marshall. Some excerpts: “A strength of Sizzling Sex for Life is the author’s lively and accessible writing style. He presents sometimes complex information in an easily comprehensible manner, often…
Post-Pandemic Relationship Repair (and more…) As I’ve written previously, this podcast is my personal favorite hosted by Seattle sex therapist Diana Wiley, Ph.D., who happens to be an old friend. How can couples rewrite their…
It takes only 10 seconds to demonstrate that sexual lubricants enhance lovemaking: Close your mouth and dry your lips. Run a finger lightly over them, paying close attention to how it feels. Now, lick your…
Despite many studies, the prevalence of infidelity remains a mystery. Most coupled Americans assume—in fact, demand—monogamy. For many, any breach of sexual exclusivity spells disaster. “He cheated. It’s over.” Even when infidelity doesn’t precipitate breakups,…
Kissing is a frequently overlooked element of sexuality. Also known as smooching, necking, snogging, making out, lip locking, bussing, and osculation, kissing is rarely mentioned in sexology resources. One reason is that kissing often occurs…
I was recently on Laura Stassi’s Dating While Gray Podcast, where we discussed many issues facing people over 50 and how they can maximize their sex lives.
Not long ago, the U.S. government prohibited almost all research into the effects of marijuana, now increasingly called cannabis. But in recent years, 28 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana and…