Platitudes say it hurts. Most studies say it helps. New research clarifies. An old joke asks: What’s the quickest way to destroy sexual satisfaction in a relationship? Get married. The punch line reflects the tendency…
Platitudes say it hurts. Most studies say it helps. New research clarifies. An old joke asks: What’s the quickest way to destroy sexual satisfaction in a relationship? Get married. The punch line reflects the tendency…
Want to explore the wide world of sex videos that aren’t porn? One deep, rich site opens the door to more than 600 that are entertaining, authoritative, and provocative—SexSmart Films founded by one of the…
Most sex research starts and ends with university sexologists. But here’s a case of nonacademics becoming fascinated in an element of sexuality–women’s orgasms—-and persuading sex researchers at Indiana University to run with the baton. The Joy of…