218 results found.
Happy young couple in underwear having fun in bed.

I been following you for awhile. Thanks for all you do. I been reading about the different herbs that help with sexual arousal, erection and/or energy. I like to know what you feel is the…

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I was recently a guest on Diana Wiley’s podcast “Love, Lust and Laughter.” We discussed my new book, couple desire differences, and the advantages and disadvantages for couple intimacy of sheltering in place.  Diana Wiley,…

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North State Public Radio Logo

I was recently on Nancy Wiegman’s Bookshelf podcast, discussing many topics from my Sizzling Sex for Life book. My interview begins about 19 minutes into the show. Listen to the podcast here.

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Sex and Love Podcast with emily james

I was recently on the Sex & Love Podcast with Dr. Emily Jamea. We discuss my most recent book, Sizzling Sex for Life: How to Maximize Erotic Pleasure at Any Age, the three most exciting…


You stated in your AARP article about STI’s in older adults that you “might never have sex” with a partner if she was infected. You said you’d talk with several doctors. I guess you know…

Depressed young man

Hi, I’m contacting you because I’m confused about my libido. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 18, I stopped having sex when I reached 19. My libido went down, and had no interest…

Blog Post
Why So Many Women Don’t Have Orgasms

Ever since 1948 when Alfred Kinsey launched modern sex research, one finding has been confirmed and re-confirmed over and over again. Compared with men, women are considerably less likely to have orgasms. Men report orgasms…