218 results found.
Blog Post
Orgasm/Ejaculation Problems: Causes And Treatments of This Surprisingly Common Problem

For erection problems, low-intensity shock-wave therapy looks promising. In some people with kidney stones, low-intensity shockwave therapy (LIST) breaks them up. And in some with heart disease and fractures, LIST coaxes the body to produce…

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chaste tree

The berries of the ironically named “chaste” tree boost libido and much more. The lovely lavender flowers of the chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus), a shrub native to the Mediterranean, produce small, dark fruits (berries) resembling…

Blog Post
Love couple in bed

Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In alleged “sex addiction,” the real issues are usually guilt and shame about being sexual. Sex comes in three varieties: procreative, relationship-affirming, and recreational. Humans have always…

Blog Post
Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies?

In recent studies, more than 90 percent of women admit having had sexual fantasies, and depending on the study, some one-third to two-thirds confess at least occasional fantasies of being forced into sex. Of course,…

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michael castleman in office

Michael Castleman Has Recipes For Renewing Ardor By Corrie M. Anders, The Noe Valley Voice A Noe Valley author has written a new self-help book that may be the ideal complement to that box of…

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people doing cobra pose on mats at studio.

Since the 1998 introduction of Viagra, “impotence” has become “erectile dysfunction” (ED), and the condition has emerged from behind closed bedroom doors into the light of public discussion. Unfortunately, many pill-loving Americans think “vitamin V”…

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Couple taking cannabis at home together

As frequency of use increases, both men and women report more enjoyable sex On supplement shelves at pharmacies and natural food stores, you’re likely to see products with names like Male Vigor or Female Responsiveness…

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Woman teasing man

Young adults have casual sex— but compared with their parents and grandparents, LESS. Since around 2000, young adult college students have stopped dating. Instead, they connect through app-enabled “hook-ups,” some of which become sexual. Researchers…