218 results found.
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couple hot and heavy in bed

Many young men burn with lust. But after 30, male libido becomes more like women’s. Three maxims attest to the pervasive belief that men are constantly horny, always eager to bed almost any woman: •…

Blog Post
Two beautiful women and man lying on the bed

Erotic fantasies often provoke feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. That’s hardly surprising. Many people grow up harangued by religious leaders and self-styled guardians of morality that among the many sexual possibilities, only a small…

Blog Post
Desire In Women - Does It Lead to Sex? Or Result from It?

Ever since Pfizer’s erection-boosting drug, Viagra, was approved 1998, the drug companies have been working overtime to develop treatments for women’s sexual issues, notably, low libido. In a few studies, some women reported restored libido…

Blog Post
3 ginseng roots in a bowl on a table

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is an unassuming—and controversial—Asian groundcover whose medicinal root has been revered for centuries in China, Korea, and Japan. For almost as long, Western medicine has dismissed it as largely worthless. But that…

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Close-up of a young couple kissing each other

Frequent kissing boosts most women’s sexual and relationship satisfaction  Kissing is a mystery. Science has no idea why people do it. Theories abound, but the puzzle remains unsolved. Only two other species kiss, chimpanzees and…

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Close-up of a young man feeding a strawberry to a girl

The sex-addiction industry says the affliction causes great harm. Does it? Part 1 of this series shows that “sex addiction” does not meet standard criteria for real addictions. Proponents of sex-addiction understand this, but don’t want…

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A middle age couple having a fight.

A new approach involves brief group therapy that nurtures sex worth wanting Part 1 summarized the many myths about desire differences and the sex-therapy approach to resolving them—using either self-help or professional therapy. The sex-therapy…

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Young Couple in Bed

“Did you come?” This question looms over a good deal of lovemaking, especially among lovers under 30. Fortunately, gentlemen, it’s usually not difficult to recognize women’s orgasms. And it’s fairly easy to help most women…

Blog Post
Desire In Women - Does It Lead to Sex? Or Result from It?

Ever since Pfizer’s erection-boosting drug, Viagra, was approved 1998, the drug companies have been working overtime to develop treatments for women’s sexual issues, notably, low libido. In a few studies, some women reported restored libido…