218 results found.
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Young woman holding a condom embracing a young man from behind

Here are some fast fixes for the 25% of users who experience condom-linked erection trouble. Depending on the study, 18 to 36 percent of condom users—roughly one-quarter—report condom-associated erection loss, usually difficulties maintaining firmness once…

Blog Post
Want Greater Sexual Satisfaction? Stop Snoring

Laugh and the world laughs with you,” British novelist Anthony Burgess once quipped. “Snore and you sleep alone.” However, based on a recent study, Burgess’ remark might need updating: “Snore and your sex life suffers.”…

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Weak Erections Or Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Ever hear of the “mistress’ nightmare?” A middle-aged man is having sex with a woman other than his wife. While making love, he has a heart attack and dies, leaving his lover with a difficult…

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man grabbing woman from behind

To prevent sexual assault, forget affirmative consent. Focus on binge drinking. Since the turn of the current century, the media have spotlighted epidemic levels of college and military sexual assaults, everything from uninvited groping to…

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The G Spot: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re confused about the G Spot, you’re not alone. Many women—and men—wonder: What is it? Where is it? Why can’t I find mine (or hers)? What’s it got to do with female ejaculation? Why…

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Controversy surrounds public nakedness—nudism or naturism. Those offended by it assert that public nudity harms children and promotes antisocial behavior—but they’ve never been able to cite compelling evidence of harm. Meanwhile, those who enjoy public…

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Sexual Healing Sex Is Good for Health.

Years ago, Marvin Gaye had a hit with “Sexual Healing.” The song dealt with the emotional benefits of lovemaking. True enough. But sex is also good for physical health. Here’s what the latest research shows:…