218 results found.
Blog Post
How Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Sexuality

After the first oral contraceptive was approved in 1960, The Pill quickly became the world’s most popular birth control method. More than 100 million women worldwide have used it, and among American women age 18…

Blog Post
Man with physician

I have a charming primary care physician who’s up on the latest research, and quite thorough—well, almost. She never asks about my sexual functioning. My doctor is typical. For years, sexologists have fretted about doctors’…

Blog Post
Vibrators Myth vs. Truth

Vibrators are by far the most popular sex toy. Sexual enhancement product catalogs offer dozens of models. According to one recent survey, one-third of adult American women own at least one vibrator. In other surveys,…

Blog Post
black couple in bed

This is the weird, improbable story of vaginal orgasms. More than a century ago, a famous physician postulated their existence. Sixty years later, the first scientific sex researchers declared them nonsense. Finally, over the past…

Blog Post
Sexy couple kissing on couch

Chronic sleep deprivation is common and hurts libido and sexual function An estimated 30 percent of Americans have trouble falling or staying asleep. Insomnia reduces libido, impairs sexual energy and function, and raises risk of…

Blog Post
older man iwth younger woman in bed

Sex rarely causes death, but four erotic activities may prove lethal In 1979 at age 71, former New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President under Gerald Ford, had a heart attack in the arms of…

Blog Post
Sex and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

It’s known variously as urinary tract infection, UTI, bladder infection, and cystitis (“cyst” is Greek for bladder). It occurs mostly in women, and causes urinary urgency–I have to go NOW–burning pain on urination, and possibly…

Blog Post
How Women REALLY Feel About Penis Size

In previous articles, I’ve tried to reassure anxious men that penis size doesn’t matter to the substantial majority of women. And every time, comments have poured in from gals calling me a fool, saying that…

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girl hugs her man by the neck

Popular culture embraces “sex addiction,” but most psychologists reject it. When we say they’re “addicted” to bacon, Beyoncé’s music or The Simpsons, it’s largely in jest. We’re not actually addicted. We just really like whatever….