218 results found.
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woman whispering to man

Men often brag about their sexual conquests. A man who has sex with lots of women is often called a “stud.” Women don’t brag about having many partners. A woman who is very sexual is…

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Sex Therapy

Diane, 46, and Alan, 51, had been married 16 years andhad two sons when they first consulted sex therapist Louanne Weston, Ph.D., of Fair Oaks, California. They loved each other, and insisted they had a…

senior couple in bed

My wife and I have been together for 42 years. I am 65. Fifteen years ago, after flagging sex drive, I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor that was successfully removed. Since then I have…

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woman masturbating, man masturbating.jpg

Beyond a personal choice, self-sexing is the basis of joyous partner lovemaking Great sex involves much more than just joining genitals. A mountain of research has consistently shown that the foundation of satisfying lovemaking is…

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Boyfriend asking for an explanation to his cheater sad girlfriend

Despite many studies, the prevalence of infidelity remains a mystery. Most coupled Americans assume—in fact, demand—monogamy. For many, any breach of sexual exclusivity spells disaster. “He cheated. It’s over.” Even when infidelity doesn’t precipitate breakups,…

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Young man masturbating to adult content on his laptop in bed

Most alleged sex addicts aren’t compulsive or addicted, just misinformed. Sexual compulsivity or out-of-control sexual behavior has been documented. So has being sexually turned on by bees—melissaphilia. Like melissaphilia, true sexual compulsivity is rare. It…

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Chronic Medical Conditions and Sex

The bad news: You’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or some other chronic condition. Your doctor says it “can’t be cured,” but it can be “managed,” which you’ll need to…