218 results found.
Blog Post
Dating After 50 - Are Condoms Still Necessary?

Most singles over age 50 think they’re no longer at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In 2009, AARP asked older singles how committed they felt to condoms. Only one in five said they used…

Blog Post
Book cover - Sizzling Sex For Life - Maximize Erotic Pleasure

My book was recently reviewed by Mac Marshall. Some excerpts: “A strength of Sizzling Sex for Life is the author’s lively and accessible writing style. He presents sometimes complex information in an easily comprehensible manner, often…

Blog Post
New Healing Herbs

These days, I write primarily about sexuality. But from the 1970s until 2005, sex writing was just one element of my career as a health journalist. I also wrote a great deal about alternative therapies,…

Blog Post
black middle aged couple in bed

Viagra is not the only way men can firm up fading erections Mention erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment and most people say Viagra. And no wonder. Since its 1998 approval, Viagra has become one of the…

Blog Post
Black couple on bed hot and heavy

Brief fantasies hours before lovemaking can help ignite later sexual heat. Even among lovers with major libidos, arousal can be a challenge. Many people want hot sex, but have trouble heating up. Fortunately, sex therapists…

Blog Post
Sex And Weed Does Marijuana Enhance Sex Or Destroy It?

Alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, meth—you name it, their sexual effects are well-documented and quite predictable. The exception is marijuana. Its sexual effects are all over the map, from “I can’t stand having sex stoned,” to “I…

Blog Post
Threesme - Woman standing between two men

Myth: Almost all polyam relationships are brief. Truth: Many thrive for decades. Polyamory, aka consensual non-monogamy (CNM), is controversial. In “polyam” arrangements one, some, or all partners are free to explore other sexual and emotionally…

Blog Post
Lubricants: The Slippery Secret Of Great Sex

It takes only 10 seconds to demonstrate that sexual lubricants enhance lovemaking: Close your mouth and dry your lips. Run a finger lightly over them, paying close attention to how it feels. Now, lick your…