218 results found.
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Loving affectionate couple in bed

Everyone is sexually unique. This bears repeating. Everyone is sexually unique. From the 1960s through the millennium, sexologists believed that the human sexual response cycle was a fixed, universal, four-phase process. But starting around 2000,…

Blog Post
Anal Play — Without Pain

What exactly is anal sex? In pornography, it means just one thing—penis-anus intercourse. But according to San Francisco sex therapist Jack Morin, Ph.D., author of Anal Pleasure and Health, a highly regarded guide to anal…

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Male High School Students Using Mobile Phones On School Campus

Despite free Internet porn, today’s teens have become more sexually responsible. Many parents have trouble discussing sex with their children, and even the most comprehensive school sex-education programs have no measurable impact on teen sex…

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SizzlingSex Audio book cover

The audio version of my book, Sizzling Sex for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Maximize Erotic Pleasure is now available. It is free with an Audible subscription. Please let your friends know.  

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The Mystery of Kissing

Kissing is a frequently overlooked element of sexuality. Also known as smooching, necking, snogging, making out, lip locking, bussing, and osculation, kissing is rarely mentioned in sexology resources. One reason is that kissing often occurs…

Blog Post
Sex Helps Prevent The Common Cold

Want to prevent colds and nip early colds in the bud? Then have good sex once a week in a satisfying, long-term relationship. That’s what psychologists Carl Charnetski, Ph.D., and Francis Brennan, Jr., Ph.D., of…

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woman with choke collar

“Breath play,” near-strangulation, is moving toward the sexual mainstream  Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) that approaches—but avoids—fatal strangulation can produce temporary euphoria. Recently, Indiana University researchers discovered that a sexual version of this, “breath play,” is…