46 results found.
Blog Post
The Mystery of Kissing

Kissing is a frequently overlooked element of sexuality. Also known as smooching, necking, snogging, making out, lip locking, bussing, and osculation, kissing is rarely mentioned in sexology resources. One reason is that kissing often occurs…


Wife and I are seniors (70+) and monogamous all our lives. Recently, she had a urine test and unexpectedly a UTI showed up. Recently, we used a KY warming lube on all areas of her…

unhappy middle aged man

I have always enjoyed anal sex activities since my early teens. Now I’m old and widowed. My fantasies during masturbation always revolve around having some form of scat activity with the woman. Is this extreme…

Three pairs of sexy lingerie hanging on the line to dry

My 37-year-old boyfriend has been stealing my panties, bras, and booty shorts/ tank tops. WHY? He also has a better dildo collection than I have! WHY? And my facial foundation and lipstick. WHY? He is…