106 results found.
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Couple in bed

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard sex educators say that a happy sexual relationship is all about “communication,” I’d be rich. Yes, of course, good communication is essential. But as tongues…

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senior black couple on a blanket on grass

After 40, medication use becomes quite common. Three drugs are notorious for causing sex problems: alcohol, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications (antihypertensives). But they are just the tip of the iceberg of drug-induced sexual side…

Blog Post
Sex And Weed Does Marijuana Enhance Sex Or Destroy It?

Alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, meth—you name it, their sexual effects are well-documented and quite predictable. The exception is marijuana. Its sexual effects are all over the map, from “I can’t stand having sex stoned,” to “I…

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Young woman holding a condom embracing a young man from behind

Here are some fast fixes for the 25% of users who experience condom-linked erection trouble. Depending on the study, 18 to 36 percent of condom users—roughly one-quarter—report condom-associated erection loss, usually difficulties maintaining firmness once…

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Happy young couple in underwear having fun in bed.

In both genders, orgasm difficulties are fairly common—and almost always curable In partner sex, some people—both men and women—take quite a while to work their way up to orgasm. Sometimes, it’s situational. If you’re drunk,…

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hot couple embracing

Men believe the average is 6.2 inches. Actually, it’s an inch shorter. Many popular song lyrics contain double entendres. Among the best known is Bull “Moose” Jackson’s 1952 rhythm and blues hit, “Big 10 Inch.”…

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Book cover - Sizzling Sex For Life - Maximize Erotic Pleasure

My book was recently reviewed by Mac Marshall. Some excerpts: “A strength of Sizzling Sex for Life is the author’s lively and accessible writing style. He presents sometimes complex information in an easily comprehensible manner, often…