106 results found.
Blog Post
Love couple in bed

Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In alleged “sex addiction,” the real issues are usually guilt and shame about being sexual. Sex comes in three varieties: procreative, relationship-affirming, and recreational. Humans have always…

Blog Post
How Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Sexuality

After the first oral contraceptive was approved in 1960, The Pill quickly became the world’s most popular birth control method. More than 100 million women worldwide have used it, and among American women age 18…

Blog Post
Sexy couple handcuffed sex Toys

The secret of keeping old married sex hot is courtship for life The New York Times asked 2,903 subscribers: If your entire sexual history were made public, would people find it shocking or boring? Two-thirds…

Blog Post
How Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Sexuality

After the first oral contraceptive was approved in 1960, The Pill quickly became the world’s most popular birth control method. More than 100 million women worldwide have used it, and among American women age 18…

Blog Post
black couple in bed

[read part 1 here] Sex therapists recommend scheduling sex in advance Recently, researchers at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, found that desire differences are long-term couples’ top source of chronic sexual distress. Part 1 of…

Young loving couple in the bed.

You really seem to know what your talking about in your article about possible reasons for looseness of a women’s vagina. I’m not a very secure person to begin with. I admit that. But here…

woman in pain in bathroom

Anal Fissure, Hemorrhoids? Please Help!? Sorry for the length, but I want to give you the prpeor background info on the problem so that you can answer it as best as possible. Please read through…

Blog Post
The G Spot: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re confused about the G Spot, you’re not alone. Many women—and men—wonder: What is it? Where is it? Why can’t I find mine (or hers)? What’s it got to do with female ejaculation? Why…

Blog Post
Aging is Not The End of Sex

The conventional wisdom is that for both men and women, sexuality is like men’s hair. With age, it recedes and eventually disappears. The conventional wisdom contains a germ of truth. Aging brings sexual changes, frequently…