106 results found.
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Young man masturbating to adult content on his laptop in bed

Most alleged sex addicts aren’t compulsive or addicted, just misinformed. Sexual compulsivity or out-of-control sexual behavior has been documented. So has being sexually turned on by bees—melissaphilia. Like melissaphilia, true sexual compulsivity is rare. It…

Blog Post
Young Couple in Bed

“Did you come?” This question looms over a good deal of lovemaking, especially among lovers under 30. Fortunately, gentlemen, it’s usually not difficult to recognize women’s orgasms. And it’s fairly easy to help most women…

Blog Post
Man suggesting wife to play sexual games with cuffs

BDSM players are as sexually and emotionally healthy as the general population. Italian researchers recently surveyed the sexuality of 266 Italian men and women who enjoy bondage, discipline, and sado-masochism (BDSM). The study population ranged…

Blog Post
woman helpin gman in wheelchair cross a street

Disabilities never preclude great sex. With the will, there’s always a way. In the 1978 Academy-award-winning film Coming Home, a paraplegic Vietnam veteran (John Voight) is a bitter, depressed wreck—until a chance reunion with an…

Blog Post
Don’t Douche It’s Very Bad For Women’s Health

Behind “that clean, fresh feeling” touted in ads for feminine hygiene products is a nasty implication women fear—the mistaken notion that the vagina is a dirty, malodorous organ. But the ads have struck a nerve….

Blog Post
Chronic Medical Conditions and Sex

The bad news: You’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or some other chronic condition. Your doctor says it “can’t be cured,” but it can be “managed,” which you’ll need to…