73 results found.
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Young Couple in Bed

“Did you come?” This question looms over a good deal of lovemaking, especially among lovers under 30. Fortunately, gentlemen, it’s usually not difficult to recognize women’s orgasms. And it’s fairly easy to help most women…

Blog Post
Sex Therapy

Diane, 46, and Alan, 51, had been married 16 years andhad two sons when they first consulted sex therapist Louanne Weston, Ph.D., of Fair Oaks, California. They loved each other, and insisted they had a…

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Young lovers

Contrary to popular belief, sex before athletics doesn’t hurt performance. Athletic folklore abounds with tales of coaches forbidding sex the night before big games. The prohibition is largely based on the belief that sex is…

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Close-up of a young couple kissing each other

Conventionally, a heterosexual virgin is a person who has not had penis-vagina intercourse (PVI). Our cultural focus on losing virginity implies an either-or situation—virgin or not. Actually, sexual initiation usually involves a gradual escalation of…

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Sex And Weed Does Marijuana Enhance Sex Or Destroy It?

Alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, meth—you name it, their sexual effects are well-documented and quite predictable. The exception is marijuana. Its sexual effects are all over the map, from “I can’t stand having sex stoned,” to “I…

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Young woman holding a condom embracing a young man from behind

Here are some fast fixes for the 25% of users who experience condom-linked erection trouble. Depending on the study, 18 to 36 percent of condom users—roughly one-quarter—report condom-associated erection loss, usually difficulties maintaining firmness once…

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women embracing

Lesbians are more orgasmic than straight women. Here’s why. Many studies have shown that compared with heterosexual men, during partner sex, straight women, are substantially less likely to have orgasms. Heterosexual women are also less…