Hello, I recently read your article, His Porn, Her Pain, after discovering some pictures on my significant other’s cellular device. However, he does more than just view pornography. He has edited some of the pictures…
Hello, I recently read your article, His Porn, Her Pain, after discovering some pictures on my significant other’s cellular device. However, he does more than just view pornography. He has edited some of the pictures…
I am a straight married man who has recently become extremely aroused by gay porn. I masturbate to it, especially anal. Is this normal?
I am 17 years old and I have been dating my girlfriend Stephanie for 5 years. We are sexually active. We are models and motorcycle racers. We want to become porn stars. How do we…
I’ve masturbated frequently for the last 6 years. I realize that I suffer from premature ejaculation while doing so. I come in 30 seconds. So I tried to masturbate without porn and I realize I…
I recently found out my boyfriend has been watching porn. He has been lying saying he doesn’t. Probably to save my feelings. He has sexy photos of me and says he uses those but sometimes he…
I’m wondering if sexual assault porn impacts behavior: Does it increase the likelihood of an individual sexually assaulting someone else?
Hi Michael I am interested in your response to this TED talk titled “The great porn experiment,” which Gary Wilson delivered at TEDxGlasgow. Is it pseudoscience or something to take seriously? Regards Rob Rousseau
Hi Michael I am a 50-year-old man with increasing ED. I take care of my health—no diabetes, no alcohol, maintain recommended weight. My only issue is borderline cholesterol. My sexual life was good until two…
I hope you can answer my question its to do with my boyfriend watching porn, I’ve never been against porn and believe that if i’m not around to pleasure a man it’s okay, however recently…
My man ALWAYS wants rougher sex than I desire. I constantly feel like we are having porno sex. He says there is no such thing. I believe he really just doesn’t know better. He used…