I am 17 years old and I have been dating my girlfriend Stephanie for 5 years. We are sexually active. We are models and motorcycle racers. We want to become porn stars. How do we convince our families?
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At the moment, your age—and your gf’s if she’s under 21—is more of a problem than your families. Legitimate porn producers are very careful to make certain that actors are legal adults. You have a few years before you’re there. That may feel frustrating, but it gives you some time to consider how to convince your families that this path is OK.
No matter what your age, your families may have problems with you guys acting in porn. They might object that porn degrades women, is violent, promotes sexual assault, exploits women, causes sex addiction, and destroys relationships. NONE of this is true, but many people believe it, including possibly your parents and other relatives. So as you slowly get old enough to legally act in porn, it might help to read up on the truth about porn so that when the time comes, you can counter any of the arguments mentioned above that your parents might fling at you. As it happens, my book, Sizzling Sex for Life, contains a 7-chapter package on all aspects of porn, including citing tons of research to refute the arguments against it. You might obtain a copy and read up. The book also contains lots of other useful, practical information that can help you and your gf become better lovers and enjoy sex more with each other. I offer the book in hardcover or PDF formats.
I wish you sizzling sex for life!