The Essential Guide to More Than 135 of Nature’s Most Potent Herbal Remedies
“Answers every question you ever had about medicinal herbs, including caveats, side effects, and growing them.” — AARP Magazine
“The ultimate guide to the curative powers of nature’s medicines.” — Yoga Journal
“Authoritative and well written. If you have only one book on herbal medicine, this should be it.” — Utne Reader
With more than 1 million copies sold, The New Healing Herbs is one of the most widely read herb guides ever published. The new fourth edition, completely revised, updated, and expanded, explains how to use 135 medicinal herbs confidently, effectively, and above all, safely. In addition to such popular herbs as coffee, tea, garlic, ginger, chamomile, and echinacea, the fourth edition also includes cannabis.
Straight from nature’s medicine cabinet, the latest herbal discoveries that cure hundreds of health concerns without the dangerous side effects or high cost of prescription drugs.
Drawn from the latest research, The New Healing Herbs discusses how Nature’s medicines can help prevent and treat more than 1,000 symptoms and conditions—from the common cold and constipation to heart disease and cancer—with recommendations for preparation, safe dosages, possible interactions with pharmaceuticals, and herb gardening. In addition to and A-to-Z list of herbs (from alfalfa to yarrow), the book also contains and easy-to-use Cure Finder that lists hundreds of symptoms and conditions (from acne to wrinkles) and recommends appropriate herbs.
And now that two-thirds of Americans live in states with medical marijuana, The New Healing Herbs presents an authoritative discussion of the nation’s third most popular medicinal herb (after coffee and tea).