I am a 26-year-old man. I masturbated a lot in childhood, and now no erections. I request your best advice for a solution.


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Your masturbation back then—or now—should have no effect on your ability to raise an erection. Zillions of guys masturbate regularly, even often, even daily, and can raise erections with no problem.

    So why can’t you? The short answer is: I don’t know. Your question didn’t provide any details about your life, so it’s hard to pinpoint an explanation.

    What to do? It’s unlikely that there’s anything physically wrong that’s causing your problem, but if you haven’t had a check-up in a while, that would be a good place to start. Tell the doctor that you’re having erection difficulties and ask to be worked up for it.

    In my experience, when young men have erection problems, the reason is usually severe anxiety. Many men in your situation grew up believing that masturbation is wrong and debilitating, yet they couldn’t stop doing it, so they figure they’re being punished with erection loss. Not so. There’s nothing wrong with masturbation. It doesn’t use you up sexually. It doesn’t kill subsequent erections. It’s fine. Please try to relax about this.

    Relaxation is vital. When men feel relaxed, the arteries that carry blood into the penis open, allowing more blood in there, and it’s this extra blood that allows the penis to become erect. But if you feel nervous/anxious/stressed, the arteries constrict, limiting blood flow into the penis and interfering with erection. How to relax? Don’t use drugs or alcohol. Healthy ways to relax include: regular moderate exercise, meditation, yoga, playing or listening to music, spending time with people close to you, and hot baths or showers.

    You also sound like you might benefit from some good sex information. I suggest you check out the Info Library, particularly the About Men section. Some of the articles might interest you and answer questions you have. And if you’d like all 115 articles, you can buy my e-book, which costs much less than the articles purchased separately.

    Doctors might prescribe you an erection drug. I’d recommend non-drug approaches first, but if they don’t help, an erection medication might.

    I hope this helps.

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