I am a 40-year-old male who is now experiencing difficulty  ejaculating
during sexual intercourse with my wife of 20 years. How can I get back to ejaculating inside her?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    You’re not alone. Ejaculation/orgasm problems affect an estimated 5% of men of all ages, or one man in 20. Fortunately, you can almost certainly learn to ejaculate with less difficulty.

    This problem is often age-related, with risk rising as men get older. Or it may be a result of drug side-effects. Antidepressants are notorious for interfering with ejaculation, but many other drugs have the same effect. Or it may be caused by depression, pain, or a “delivery boy” attitude, the belief that men should provide pleasure to women even at the expense of their own.

    Over the past 40 years, sex therapists have developed a three-part treatment program that’s usually effective: letting go of the idea that you “must” ejaculate every time you make love, getting the stimulation you need to ejaculate, and understanding that you’re more than a delivery boy providing sex to your lover, that you also deserve to enjoy sexual pleasure and have a right to ask for what you need.

    My low-cost article, Ejaculation/Orgasm Problems, distills the sex-therapy approach. It goes into detail about the many causes, for example, the dozens of drugs that may cause this problem. And it outlines the treatment plan that’s usually beneficial, which begins with masturbation exercises to identify the stimulation you need to come and then proceeds to coaching your lover about how to provide it.

    All my articles come with a money-back guarantee so no risk to you.

    And if the program in my article doesn’t provide sufficient relief, sex therapy almost always does. If you feel you need a sex therapist, get back to me and I can provide resources.

    You CAN ejaculate inside your wife. It just might take a few adjustment. I wish you the best.

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