worried middle aged man at window

I’m a 72 year-old Vietnam Vet who still has no problem having an erection. A nice looking woman gets me hard in no time. When I see a woman with large beautiful breasts, shapely and good sized calves, or a great mid-section, I ‘rise’ to the occasion! LOL!! My problem is I’ve had some recent kidney issues, (due to the wounds I received in Vietnam). My VA doctor put me on Flomax. My first time masturbating was a real horror show for me! I didn’t realize that the drug killed ejaculation, and with no release of semen, I had no release of stress, and missed the fulfillment and joy that usually come with ejaculating. To have your semen stay inside you when you’re expecting a pretty huge load shooting all over the place is pretty mind bending and frightening. Is there anything I can do???


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Flomax (tamsulosin) is a well-documented cause of delayed ejaculation or loss of ability to ejaculate at all. My suggestion: Ask your doctor if another drug might be substituted. If the answer is no, your doctor may not be up on the latest in sex-related medicine. I urge you to contact a physician who specializes in it. To find one near you, visit the Sexual Medicine Society of North America.

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